Jed , I sent a link to our high speed unit at the shop.  A PFD file of 2.74 mb is a little high for the boonies. Will read it manana.
You are a wordsmith. In a few words would you give us your thoughts on WHY?? the enemies of CF are such. What drives these people ? Hatred alone cannot account for their energy and dedication . You have studied this question at length and may have the best insight.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 6:27 PM
Subject: New: large, old paper by Iyengar et al.


Iyengar, P.K. and M. Srinivasan. Overview of BARC Studies in Cold Fusion. in The First Annual Conference on Cold Fusion. 1990. University of Utah Research Park, Salt Lake City, Utah: National Cold Fusion Institute.

This is important because it shows how much dynamic, promising research was going on in India from 1989 to the mid-90s. Unfortunately, nothing is happening there now, as far as I know. I have heard that after Iyengar and the others retired, the enemies of cold fusion moved in and took steps to prevent any more research.

I did a lot of work to prepare this paper, so you folks better read it!

- Jed

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