
I think your main point goes something like this.

One in authority (cabinet level up) does not need to necessarily actively conspire with the enemy, nor to instigate in any way an "event" (like 9/11) to benefit one's agenda enormously. Conspiracy with the enemy is insane!

However, if one reasonably suspects the probability is there, based on the earlier WTC attack, and if one has intercepted messages and obtained secret information by certain methods (not "really" torture, says Rummy) and if one knows the approximate date of a planned attack, and has seen mention of likely targets, then...?

With this kind of intel, one can plan ahead to maximize the net benefit to your agenda from such an attack - if it does occur, while doing nothing drastic to actually stop it. Maybe you hope it does not occur, because there will be inevitable loss of life - but you plan to make lemonade from catastrophe-lemons, if it does happen.

That has been the charge against FDR going back to an earlier generation. That is the crux of the charge against the hawks in the administration - esp. Cheney/ Rumsfeld. I think (if they were complicit) that they were most likely working behind Bush's back, and that even our President did not know what they knew.

Given this - and knowing that black-ops require lots of off-the-record money, which Congress isn't providing, and given that you coincidentally know that in your very office building, just floors away, there are vaults containing billions of untraceable funds ...

... hmm... sounds like motivation to me, since the only net looser will be the European insurers... you know, the ones in countries like France and Germany. As it turns out, they did not help us out in the later invasions, and that was a bit of a surprise, BUT maybe understandable now - IF one of the reasons they did not help is that they suspected tacit complicity in this 9/11 affair, which cost them about $18 of the $21 billion in insured losses. IOW in "following the buck," the Europeans lost a lot more in actual wealth than we did from 9/11.

BTW it was likely no accident that the building management, whose offices were within a few floors of the CIA, secured the enormous amount of terrorism coverage from Europe, rather than from the USA. And isn't it a bit curious that none of the top level folks in WTC7 were in their offices on 9/11 ???

It is also plausible that those bulging vaults in WTC7 were completely emptied-out in early Fall of 2001, and that no one is the wiser today. That is why I earlier mentioned the incident involving the precious 1933 Double Eagle, as it was being stored in the Secret Service Vaults at 7 along with billions in gold and bearer bonds, but was inexplicably removed before the tragic event (and before its record-breaking sale in New York for $7.59 Million in 2002).

Tip of the iceberg?

And yes, all of this only goes to the issue of "plausibility" and it most unlikely. Plus, as a good patriot, I hope and pray that it is not true... OTOH whenever, I see that frightening visage which is Rummy, I am doing what must be a past-life double-take, looking for the SS armband.


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