Pardon, but i was responding to Mr. Wesley, as I had missed the thread in which he had made the statement, and was quite sure he would read THIS thread as well.  I was not responding to you. Perhaps YOU should read posts more carefully before assuming that something is aimed at you that isn't.  You seemed rather eager to take the finger that wasn't pointed at you.

On 12/6/05, OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: leaking pen
> "Christians like me don't mind the harmless atheists."
> missed that one...
> really now.  pay any attention to people like Bush, who
> stated that athiests cant be considered patriots, and
> are a danger to the country?  hows about pat robertson,
> who prays for the death of athiests daily, and wants a
> national religion imposed with penalties for those who
> dont proscribe.
> christians like YOU, perhaps, i dont know what kind of
> christian you are. christians like ME, definately.  but
> most christians...  no.  they are quite harmful and
> hatefull towards others.  atheist or non.

Well, Mr. Leak,

You still missed it. In fact I think you completely missed the entire context of my post.

You imply that I personally stated "Christians like me don't mind the harmless atheists." If you have an issue with the above statement I suggest you take it up with Mr. Wesley as he was responsible for saying it, not me.

I really would recommend that you read posts attributed to me more carefully before, figuratively speaking, pointing your accusing finger at me and labeling me as some "kind of [a] Christian" and lumping my alleged religious predilections with the likes of Bush Jr. and Pat Robertson.

You're right about one thing, however. You don't know what kind of a "Christian" I might be, as I have never stated that I am one.

I've also never stated I'm an atheist either.

Please read my posts more carefully before labeling me.

Steven Vincent Johnson

"Monsieur l'abbĂ©, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write"  Voltaire

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