Bob, there is only one physical radius for the proton, the charge radius. 


Frank’s value is way off since he has always confused Compton wavelength with a 
physical dimension. Sure, we can recognize duality here, but if you want 
something to be based on a “speed” or quantum velocity less than c, as he does, 
then you must use the physical dimension not the equivalent wavelength. 


It’s really not that complicated: the Compton wavelength of a particle is 
equivalent to the wavelength of a photon whose mass-energy is the same as the 
rest-mass energy of the particle - which as you can see in the case of the 
proton - cannot be identical to the protons physical radius. That photon wave 
always travels at c, which is not the value which Frank has invented. I am not 
saying that Frank’s value has no relevance to some phenomenon, but he has never 
been able to demonstrate that AFAIK.


The extent of the strong force is immaterial.





From: Bob Cook 




I think the item I just copied regarding the Woods-Saxon potential indicates 
for Hydrogen,  Z=1, that Frank is closer to the listed radius of 1.23 fm than 
you are at your .866 fm.   I think your radius is a "rms charge radius".  You 
and Frank may be talking about different dimensions of a nucleus.  Yours 
clearly only applies to a single proton as I understand it and is not a radius 
associated with the extent of the strong  nuclear force. 


Correct me if I am wrong.  


Bob Cook

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Jones Beene <>  


Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2014 12:04 PM

Subject: RE: [Vo]:1995- CETI 1kW reacto claim . fraud or not?


Sorry Frank, but you are just as wrong now as you were then.|search_for=proton+radius






----- Original Message ----- 

From: Frank Znidarsic <>  


There were those that stated that my analysis was wrong because the wrong 
numbers came out of it.  Our Jones Beene was one of them.  He said the radius 
of a nucleon was .866 fm not 1.36 fm.  They bashed me badly




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