Dave--To answer your question about reactor control I offer the following:

Light water fission reactors using U-235, U-233, and Pu-239 fissionable 
isotopes depend on thermal or relatively slow neutrons to react with those 
isotopes.  The slower the neutron the more likely it will be absorbed by one of 
these isotopes and cause it to fission.  Each fission produces more neutrons at 
high energies that are slowed down by collisions with water and other material 
in the reactor until they are thermalized--at an average energy determined by 
the temperature of the reactor.  At criticality the population of neutrons is 
steady with as many being produced as are leaking out of the reactor (not to 
enter the fuel region again) or being absorbed by materials such as control 
rods.    More power is produced as the temperature is decreased because the 
average energy of the population of neutrons is reduced and the interaction 
rate  with the fissile isotopes in the reactor is increased.  If the power 
generated is not extracted from the circulating coolant the temperature goes up 
and the reaction rate (fission rate) goes down on average because the energy 
spectrum of the neutrons is higher.  This is a negative feed back called a 
negative temperature coeff. and is an inherent control feature of the power in 
the reactor.  However if the water is cooled again the power increases and 
holds the reactor at a selected average operating temperature.  Heat extracted 
from the primary coolant of the reactor by a steam generator is such a cooling 
mechanism for the primary coolant. 

The fissile isotopes also react with faster neutrons at various energies, 
however at lower probability than they do with the thermal neutrons.  Thus, 
they there are many fewer fissions caused by fast neutrons before they are 
thermalized in the reactor during normal reactor critical operation. However, 
with a rapid addition of neutron population, power can drastically increase at 
a high rate and cause a large increase of fast neutron compared to the thermal 
neutron population.  If this happens a condition of "prompt criticality" can 
occur and the reactor  can explode because of a high energy production rate.  
Reactors are designed to add  a poison--a control rod--to absorb neutrons if 
the rate of production--the rate of population increase--is too high.  Such 
control rod action avoids prompt criticality.  

An accident called a cold water accident can occur in reactors which adds a 
slug of cold water to the reactor and causes prompt criticality before the 
control rod system has a chance to add poison. This must be avoided to keep the 
reactor in tact.  

The various assemblies in a core produce differing amounts of power with the 
colder regions near the entering coolant producing more power than the hotter 
regions.  Thus at higher powers the differential temperature across the core is 
greater given a constant coolant flow rate.  To keep the temperatures in a core 
closer to an average temperature the flow is increased as more power is 
generated.  Fuel assemblies are loaded with differing amounts of fissile 
material depending upon the location of the fuel assembly in the core with 
higher loading in radial positions that may have a lower neutron population on 
average.  The fuel design objective is generally to create a system with even 
power generation throughout the core.  Such a condition can only be approached 
in practice and changes as fuel is depleted with operation. 

Most modern reactors include burnable poisons--for example boron--that are 
depleted as the same time the fuel is depleted.  This reduction of the poison 
in the fuel allows an increasing thermal neutron population inside the fuel 
element and thus maintains an more constant fission rate with time as the local 
fissile isotopes decrease.    

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Roberson 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 2:41 PM
  Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:TRISO LENR pellet

  You make a good point Robin.  My concept is to make one pebble first that has 
the characteristic that you wish and then to work on the complete system of 
them to end up with a good overall plan.  For instance, if a coolant is flowing 
through a large number of them, it will extract heat from the group.  I suspect 
that the geometry of the complete system can be played with so that all of them 
contribute to the net heat being extracted.  This may require that coolant be 
injected along the container sides or other structures so that none of the 
pellets is over stressed.

  I would not think that a big random pile of these devices would work properly 
due to problems with heat generation and extraction, but a good engineering 
plan should be able to solve the problems.  I would assume that a nuclear 
reactor would face similar issues with their multiple fuel rod assemblies yet 
they seem to be able to operate properly.  Perhaps one of our reactor experts 
can help with this issue.

  I am discussing a design of this type in response to the pebble concept 
mentioned by Axil.  I am not biased either for or against that idea.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: mixent <mix...@bigpond.com>
  To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
  Sent: Thu, Jan 15, 2015 4:15 pm
  Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:TRISO LENR pellet

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Thu, 15 Jan 2015 10:18:27 -0500:
>The amount of positive feedback can be adjusted by establishing the proper 
ratio of sphere surface area to volume.  As the pellet becomes larger the 
surface area varies as the square of the radius.  At the same time the volume 
varies with the cube of the radius.  In an ideal case that suggests that the 
feedback ratio would vary directly with radius.  If some form of insulating 
material is coated upon the outer surface the fuel volume can be reduced 
Take into account that this is only valid for a single separate sphere. Once
they are all bundled together, heat leaving one will enter another, so in the
limit, the surface area is reduced to the external surface area of the


Robin van Spaandonk


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