In an apartment building complex in which 10,000 people live, it is cost
effective to wire the apartments together to the city wide GRID  than to
install a separate LENR reactor in each apartment.

This GRID decision is based on population density.

On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> Personal power generators are only installed in a few well to do
>> households. Everybody else uses the GRID. This is true now and into any
>> foreseeable LENR future.
> I disagree. When the technology matures, using cold fusion in a central
> generator will cost about 3 times more than a home generator. There is
> tremendous overhead to this method. It is needed with today's generator
> technology but it would serve no purpose with cold fusion. People will not
> pay 3 times more for electricity for no reason.
> See chapter 14, p 110, of my book for details:
> As I said in the book, cold fusion might be cost effective in power
> company generators for a while in places like New York City.
> - Jed

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