Alan, Thank You for voicing these concerns – I wanted to suggest the same focus 
on fine control of the drive because of the inherent  latency in sensing 
thermal data. The suggestion of induction heat is excellent and I would even go 
so far as to recommend a PWM induction heater where different control 
algorithms  could be tested over time – I think you need a control scheme just 
to approach the window so slowly that the latency can be tolerated without  
cell destruction.. Again I think robust heat sinking is required to establish 
this sort of tolerant environment where a sensor [pressure/ temp or both] near 
the source can capture thermal excursions as the heat is sucked past on it’s 
way out of the system.  I also wonder if the fan cooling Bob is planning will 
be enough to avoid run away.

I wonder if the sci fi examples of reactions in a big fish tank are actually a 
better suggestion for safety and cooling control? I could see an upside down 
clear trough submerged in the tank  with the reactor fixed inside just above 
the waterline. Cooling the tube would be quickly controlled by  air pressure to 
vary the waterline inside the trough and submerge the reactor to different 
levels as part of the control loop. The other advantage being safety since you 
now have a reactor that is surrounded on all sides by water.

From: AlanG []
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 8:47 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Questions Raised by Parkhomov Experiment Failure

Consider this issue in the context of Dave Roberson's analysis. Suppose there 
is a critical temperature where XH suddely appears in part of the fuel. That 
heat pulse could propagate rapidly through the fuel, causing the positive 
feedback Dave identified. Such a hot spot could increase pressure and stress on 
the tube very quickly, leading to failure.

It seems likely that given a thermal time constant of several seconds or more, 
negative feedback control of the heater by an external thermocouple won't be 
fast enough to catch a runaway reaction. A pressure sensor would be much 
faster, but there would still be substantial delay as heat would continue to 
propagate through the tube into the core, after heater power is cut. Bob's 
fan-assisted convection cooling is a good safety measure, but will it be fast 
enough? I look forward with great anticipation to his experiment.

This is a classic servo problem, and two other solutions come to mind. The 
system could run open-loop, with an algorithm that reduces heater power as the 
core approaches the critical temperature. Lots of research and data collection 
are needed to fine tune the control parameters, and those will vary between 
cores and fuel mixtures.

What if the reactor used induction heating rather than a resistance coil. The 
heat is generated directly in the fuel mass, so the thermal response time is 
much faster. With a pressure sensor, maybe the control loop would be quick 
enough to correct for the positive feedback at the critical temperature.

On 3/2/2015 10:57 AM, Bob Higgins wrote:
Yes, this is why I was worried about Alexander's new design that puts an air 
gap and another ceramic around the reactor core - increasing its thermal 
resistance to the lower temperature air around it and/or the water in the 
calorimeter.  He already showed that if he put alumina powder insulating the 
reactor (to lower the input power to get it high temp) that it failed 

I am working on a large water volume calorimeter in which to test my 
Parkhomov-like reactors.  It will include a variable convection fan to change 
the thermal resistance between the reactor tube and the cool water in the 
surrounds.  This convection will only be activated if the heater coil power is 
turned off and the temperature of the reactor continues to rise.  The intent in 
this design is for the water to never reach boiling.  Also, the calorimeter 
will be a good shield for any explosive shrapnel (primarily alumina shards).  
The calorimeter also provides a port to measure radiations with low mass 
density between the reactor core and the sensor. Here are 2 links to diagrams 
of the calorimeter I am building:

Here is the link to my planned ZDV plumbing that will allow me to measure the 
pressure, sample the gas product, and vent the system before opening the 
reactor post-experiment.

As Bob Greenyer likes to do, he has dubbed this system in ASCII as "{Garbage 


On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Roarty, Francis X 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks Bob, that is great information but I still have a nagging concern that 
thermal loading is more important than anyone is currently aware and that XH 
needs an environment that is robustly subtracting heat away from an otherwise 
self destructing cell to rise above the noise. IMHO researchers need to perform 
something equivalent to an isometric where they are vigorusly fighting their 
own heating effort via thermal loading and then repeatedly push the drive thru 
the threshold temp while slowly increasing the load..and …with luck..decreasing 
the drive [I think this what Rossi has been doing]. The stories about life 
after death, evaporating water and explosions where reactors were left leaning 
in a bucket of water may have created a thermal gradient centered about the 
waterline that eventually favored a particular area within the tube and powders 
with just the right properties to run away…. Shot gunning by accident.

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