Well Jed, that is an interesting idea. The questions is, would an interview published in Hustler Magazine benefit cold fusion or would it causes more people to reject the idea? First of all, I doubt that anyone who was initially sympathetic to cold fusion would change their mind because an article appeared in Hustler any more than they would change their mind because Scientific American made a negative comment. Most people have no idea whether the effect is real or not and their opinions simply do not matter. A few prudes might get bent out of shape, but who cares. On the other hand, a significant number of men read Hustler, some of whom hold positions of power and influence. If such an article were to cause a few of such people to become aware of the claims for the first time, this would be a good thing. On the whole, I think such an article would do more good than harm.


Jed Rothwell wrote:


I guess the axiom of "any publicity is good pubicity" applies in this Hustler interview of Dr. Steven Greer:

Ed Storms does not mind cold fusion being associated with ufotv.com, but he would probably draw the line at this!

- Jed

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