* Purdue Nuclear and Many-Body Theory Group (PNMBTG) *

*Preprint- PNMBTG-05-2014 (May 2014) *

In the above reference, Dr Kim explains his theory with regards to

Please supply a reference for your assertion that Dr. Kim did not  observe
the Bosenova in an experiment. Having given the subject a theoretical
foundation, this  hearsay assertion of the subject is hard to believe.

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  *From:* Axil Axil .
> Ø       But Dr Kim saw in DGT experiments magnetic solitons exploding in
> a Bosenova.
>  No he didn’t. How many times do we have to correct the record on this?
> In Dr. Y. E. Kim's ICCF-18 presentation, the only time his bizarre
> hypothesis is mentioned - Kim said that he did not personally measure the
> magnetic field and had little direct information on it.  Kim said that
> DGT measured the field, and he assumed their claim was accurate.
> Yet we know from hindsight that DGT was reporting one lie after another
> and has gone belly up. Nothing coming from that work has credibility and
> instead has significant likelihood of leading experimenters down the
> wrong path.

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