Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Everyone can make their own appraisal of Allan’s credibility based on his
> recent admission of moral breakdown, but I am absolutely certain that Kim’s
> colleagues and peers at the University level will conclude that citing an
> admitted pedophile as your source of information is highly belittling.
I do not see what pedophilia has to do with physics. Or what physics has to
do with morality. Sterling Allan's reports often strike me as inaccurate or
naive, but we can -- and we should -- judge them on their own merits
without taking into account his personal life or his foibles.

To take an extreme example, Robert Stroud's book "Stroud's Digest on the
Diseases of Birds" was published in 1943 and it is still in print. Quoting
reviews on

"As a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine I have found this book of both
practical and historical interest. It is still considered a standard work
of the diagnosis and treatment of Avian diseases. A modern bird breeder
would not be at fault in following Mr. Stroud's advice. . . ."

"I would not be surprised to learn that Mr. Stroud's techniques,
discoveries and research are the backbone of all modern avian medicine and
avian veterinary curriculum. The book also provides detailed vitamin
requirement analysis and food sources as well as descriptions of vitamin
deficiency ailments. It is amazing that so much information is packed into
one book. I have seen nothing in any owner handbooks that I did not find in
Mr. Stroud's book with more detail and clarity. . . ."

This is despite the fact that Stroud's morals were beyond the pale, and his
personal life was a terrible mess. He was a homicidal lunatic. He spent
most of his like in solitary confinement in Federal prisons. He was the
so-called "birdman of Alcatraz." Still, his science was impeccable.

- Jed

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