In reply to  Bob Cook's message of Tue, 24 Mar 2015 07:57:39 -0700:

I think the Li6 nucleus is arranged like this:-

2 neutrons paired with opposite spin.
2 protons paired with opposite spin.

1 neutron left over.
1 proton left over.

I think the negative near field of the neutron implies that it has to spin in
the same direction as a proton for the pair to be magnetically attracted (N pole
of one close to S pole of the other), i.e. in the lowest energy state. Hence the
spin of 1 (1/2 + 1/2).

However this also means that the magnetic fields of the proton and the neutron
don't quite neutralize one another, so the nucleus as a whole should have a
small magnetic moment (which it does). That would allow for some magnetic

>RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Efimov - for the third timeJones--
>The -1/2  Dirac spinor may actually couple with the electronic Li-6 structure, 
>which in turn couples to the nucleus via a magnetic quadruple/dipole  or 
>electric dipole coupling to allow transfer of spin energy to the nucleus.  The 
>fact that the Li-6 is a Bose particle (spin 1) may complicate the coupling or 
>make it possible?  The activated Li-6 state probably has a different spin 
>number.  I do not know enough about the expected nuclear structure to comment. 
> Maybe Prof. N. Cook's book has something about this issue.  
>Also the chart of nuclides that I have has a symbol for the activation cross 
>section which I am not sure I understand.  It may indicate the cross section 
>for photon activation, which is well known to produce isomeric nuclear states 
>in Li-6. This activation must be by electric dipole stimulation or magnetic 
>dipole stimulation.  I suspect the latter.  The symbol is described as 
>follows: a sigma with a subscript gamma and a with a up-side-down arrow above 
>the sigma followed by a cross section and resonant integral
>The work by some to consistently stimulate LENR with a laser suggests the same 
>thing (activation) may be possible with certain low power resonant photon 
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: Jones Beene 
>  To: 
>  Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 3:24 PM
>  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Efimov - for the third time
>  From: 
>  Spin cartel?
>  I like it!  :-)
>  A related subject for those who are invested in Hotson’s famous exposition 
> of the Dirac sea is this: how is the energy which can (theoretically) be 
> pumped from another dimension into 3-space related to the Dirac spinor (or is 
> it identical) ? (this poser assumes that the zero point field is a related 
> subset of Dirac’s sea).
>  Wiki sez that the Dirac spinor is a bispinor which describes relativistic 
> spin-½ wave functions, so there does seem to be a potential coupling from the 
> epo to a spin 1 nucleus like lithium-6.

Robin van Spaandonk

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