
Not so much novel of them, but I think it clearly is to make with one single action a statement to both their domestic North Korean people and to their foreign world.
Domestic: Do your job or else ...
Foreign: See our great technology; you are warned or else ...

Kind regards,

Rob Dingemans

Jed Rothwell schreefs op 13-5-2015 om 21:33:
You do not see many innovative new ideas coming out of North Korea. But I must say, they do come up with unexpected ways to kill off top officials. Here is the latest headline from the New York Times:

/North Korea Said to Execute a Top Official, With an Antiaircraft Gun/

Previous reports describe killing top officials with mortar, and with a large pack of famished dogs.

It makes you wonder who would want to be a top official in North Korea. Other than the tip-top Boy Wonder himself.

North Korea is modeled on Stalinist Russia. My father was posted to Russia during World War II working for the US government. He said that in some cases a factory manager would fail to meet some goal, so they would take him out in the factory yard and shoot him with a firing squad. Then they would look around to find someone else to manage the factory. As you might expect, they often had difficulty finding anyone willing to take the job.

- Jed

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