To reiterate, Jiang's slides are here:

Here are his additional comments:

Here is a comment he sent to me.

"The experiment curves on the screen of the computer (Fig. 6) were measured
in 4-7 May, 2015. The curves of T1 (red), T2 (green), T3 (blue), power
voltage (cyan) and pressure (yellow) display on the screen. The T3 (blue)
was broken down,  when  temperature  rose to  about 1100 0C on 5 May, 2015.
Since then, T3 worked abnormally, it was not tracking T1 completely (also
showing in Figure 7a)."

I annotated the graph shown in Fig. 6 to show what I think he means:

The annotations are:

T1 higher than T2, T3
T3 (blue) malfunction
T3 erratic [malfunction continues]
T2 exceeds 1372°C [It exceeded that temperature earlier, briefly]

It does look like T3 malfunctioned suddenly. It stayed low, well below T1
(the red line).

I asked him how many hours Fig. 6 shows. Maybe it is the entire 96 hours?

- Jed

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