In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Fri, 3 Jul 2015 16:52:31 -0700:
Hi Jones,
>Robin, for the record, can we list the smallest theoretical state of
>hydrogen redundancy for your model, Mills' model, DDL, and Arbab's model .
>in terms of mass-energy.
>We can start with the most literal case, where there are 136 Hydrino energy
>levels below 1/1 (1/2 - 1/137), and the ionization energy required is a
>whole integer multiple of 27.2 eV, where the integer is 2...137. In this
>case, 27.2 eV x 137 = 3726.4 eV. 
I don't think this is quite what you think it is. 

This is almost how the size of the energy hole is calculated that triggers
shrinkage from the ground state, except that the value of the integer is off by
one. I.e. to go from the ground state to 137 in one step would require an energy
hole of 27.2 x (137 - 1) = 3698.7 eV. However the total energy released in going
to that state from the ground state is (137^2 * 13.6) - 13.6 = 255207.264 eV
(almost half an electron mass BTW). The ionization energy from this state would
be the same except that the 13.6 is not subtracted because the end state is
complete ionization not the ground state from which we started to shrink. IOW
the ionization energy would be 255220.862 eV. 

For IRH, I'm not sure what it is, and I don't think even the proponents know
exactly, though I could be wrong about that. If one makes the assumption that
the proton circles around a stationary electron, and uses the same formula that
one would use to calculate the Bohr orbit, but with proton mass substituted for
electron mass, then one gets a value of about 25000 eV.

For Arbab's model one gets a value of 255000eV i.e. half an electron mass
equivalent when n=alpha. (Neutron star). This is essentially the same value
Mills gets for a TSO (Transition State Orbitsphere). The difference is in the
radius, i.e. for Mills' TSO the radius is the fine structure constant (alpha) x
ground state radius, whereas for Arbab, the radius is equal to the classical
electron radius, i.e. alpha _squared_ times ground state radius, thus alpha
times Mills TSO. This is a direct consequence of Mills assuming that trapped
photons create pseudo charge increasing the electric field of the nucleus.

BTW, I want to thank you for posing the question, because it made me examine my
own model more closely. I noticed that only when the weighting factor is 1 (i.e.
all the mass loss comes from the electron), does it result in a radius equal to
the classical electron radius when n=alpha (same as Arbab). I think 1 is
probably the correct value for the weighting factor that I was always uncertain
This is perhaps because it's the electron the shrinks, while the assumption is
made that the proton is constant.
This would result in a p value for the maximum energy release in my model of 119
and a matching energy of 102 keV.

Don't know much about DDL, however Google supplied,d.dGY&cad=rja
a.o. which is interesting and also refers to:

J. Maly and J. Va’vra, Electron Transitions on Deep Dirac Levels II, Fusion
Technology, Vol. 27, January 1995.

>1) 27.2 eV x 137 = 3726.4 eV. 
>2) DDL observed (as dark matter) 3.56 keV

Robin van Spaandonk

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