The Sveinn Ólafsson news can reveal some insights into the LENR reaction.
The LENR reaction produced by the LASER pulse is different from the Rossi
reaction because it produces high energy protons rather than thermalized
heat energy. This explosive reaction looks like the reaction that produces
pressure in the Papp engine and is without heat. It is unlikely that this
Leif Holmild reaction is a hot fusion reaction. It is more likely a
reaction based on quantum mechanical entanglement and coherence in a
aggregation of hydrogen crystals.
Note the pictures of the rydberg matter in the figures at the end of this

F. Winterberg, University of Nevada, Reno,  has a reaction mechanism that I
like a lot. It is based on a electron vortex and a Bose Einstein
condensate(BEC) being imposed on the ultra dense hydrogen crystals of
rydberg matter. But unlike F. Winterberg thinking, I believe that the LASER
pulse produces the BEC over the area that it irradiates.


After the LASER pulse, a very large number of high energy protons up to 14
MeV are detected and measures by test equipment, Up to 10^7 in number. That
number exceeds any number of atoms that can be found in a rydberg crystal.
The LASER must set up a BEC that covers a large number of individual
Rydberg crystals.

Where the aggregation of crystals form a BEC, they become entangles and
coherent. They act as a superatom. The laser changes the nature of the
electrons into polaritons that form a vortex ring that reposition deuterium
ions(protons, neutrons) at its center, These ions combine because they are
so close in terms of QM entanglement; not PHYSICAL LOCATION. The deuterium
atoms are separated physically, but overlap quantum mechanically. When the
LASER pulse is complete, the superposition of the protons is resolved and
the energy of the fusion of deuterium ions is imparted to the millions of
protons in the QM core of the aggregation. But what makes the difference
now, the LASER beam is not capable of connecting the region of positive
vacuum energy with the associated negitive vacuum energy region so the
energy produced by fusion is not thermalized over the population of
polaritons. The LASER produces entanglement and not the polaritons so the
polaritons do not get the energy, and the polaritons do not thermalize the
energy from fusion.

The important point to understand is that actual location of the deuterium
atoms does not matter, the BEC moves all the atoms via the 5th dimension so
that their wave forms all overlap.

The formation of the BEC makes the LASER more powerful to induce fusion
than does all the power produced in the National Ignition Facility, or NIF.
There, a laser beam of 500 terawatt (TW) peak flash of light cannot produce
fusion in dueterium. But with rydberg matter of deuterium, fusion using a
laser is easy.

On the other hand, the Sveinn Ólafsson’s reaction is the Rossi reaction
where potassium doped iron oxide produces the polariton vortexes the
catalize the fusion of deuterium and thermalize the nuclear energy of that
fusion into heat.

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