
I saw a preview of this video, Unlocking the Mystery of Life on Christian TV. Having studied enough biochemistry and cellular physiology to appreciate what they were animating, I find their argument quite convincing, although I sure that Jed Rothwell and Ed Storms will be unmoved. But, IMHO the video makes it plain that life at the molecular level is a machine and believing that random events produced it strains credulity.

Given the prejudiced actions of that appeals court judge who handed the I D advocates a defeat, I feel motivated to protest, if this be theology, than so be it. http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/videos/v026.htm

The Liberals (Socialists) have no respect for the freedom of speech which goes against their world view, witness what has happened (banning of politically incorrect and religions speech) were they have gotten power, the Communist countries and most universities, Dennis Prager.

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