The recent experiments by Holmlid indicate the production of a zoo of
sub-atomic particles including muons associated with the LENR reaction.
When muons decay, they produce electrons. Could the Hot cat be producing
this unusual type of radiation? Is the name “ <>Curie” be
related to the discovery of radiation? Will the Hot cat produce so much
muon radiation that it may be harmful to Rossi in that shipping container?
Does Rossi know that his Hot cat is producing muons? Will Rossi meet the
same fate as “ <> Curie” under the possible extreme
exposure to radiation? When breaking new ground in science danger to life
and limb sometimes occurs.

All those muons coming from the "Mouse" might be driving the "Cat" into
unexpectedly high SSM efficiency. Any reactor that can produce all those
electron, so many as to enable direct electrical production, that reactor
must be producing huge amounts of muons. Rossi realty doesn't know what is
happening inside the Hot new...but there is no free lunch in this
world. For all those who care for Rossi's welfare. convince him to leave
that shipping container.

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