How much is too much? There is a wise truism: "Moderation in all things".
How many muons is too many? Does a LENR test reactor produce too many
subatomic particles, how about a 1 megawatt plant, how adout a 10 or 100
megawatt plant? What is the limit for safe exposure to muons?

Is it wise to sit in the beam path of a particle accelerator producing
mesons, pions and muons?

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> From Axil:
> ...
> > Rossi realty doesn't know what is happening inside the Hot
> new...
> > but there is no free lunch in this world. For all those who care for
> > Rossi's welfare. convince him to leave that shipping container.
> I wouldn't be surprised that Rossi doesn't have a firm understanding of
> what's happening either. But that pretty much describes any inventor,
> researcher, or scientist who by fate stumbles across a phenomenon that does
> not fit the text books.
> I gather you suspect Rossi is now in mortal danger of frying himself as he
> continues to stroke his kitties. I guess your concern for Rossi's health is
> touching.
> How long has Rossi been working hands-on in this field? And how much
> hands-on experience have you personally accumulated? If you have
> accumulated some hands-on experience please feel free to list some of that
> personal experience of yours so that I, too, can start feeling some concern
> for Rossi's fate. Otherwise...
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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