The History of the Internet. 1 minute video, Toni at WhoIsHostingThis: Rich
Murray 2015.08.13
9:31 PM  PDT (1 hour ago) Thursday 2015.08.13

Hi Rich,

The reason for my email today is to share with you a video presentation
that we’ve put together which documents the history of the internet.
You can watch the video here --

[ Publishing 6791 user reviews of 335 web hosting companies since 2007

The Internet: Then & Now

In 1969, when the internet was nothing more than an intriguing military
communication network, few could have imagined the far reaching impact of
the then-budding technology.
You don't need me to tell you how deeply integrated the internet is in our
daily lives today.
It is a communication and information highway.
It is a way to distribute entertainment, and consumes more of our leisure
time than we may want to admit.
It gives voice to the marginalized and forgotten.
It is the incubator of innovation.

So how much has changed since the dawn of the internet age?
Just about everything.
We've pulled together a quick video that runs through some of the most
staggering statistics available to describe the meteoric growth of the
internet. Take a look: ]

I can see you’ve covered the topic of internet history in the past so I
think you might find this interesting and worth sharing with your visitors.

Would you consider including a link to it on this page? --

I’d welcome your thoughts on the piece and do let me know if you have any

If I have reached you in error, please accept my apologies, just let me
know and I’ll make sure I don’t email you again.

Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration.

Best regards, Toni <>



Toni goes under the omniscient title of 'webmaster'.
That means she takes care of everything from modding the forum & hosting
reviews to writing content to beta testing to... you name it, Toni has done
it to help us out!

Based near Vancouver, Toni is a keen hiker, climber and outdoors explorer.
In other words, she's living the dream.
(PS. I just spent 20 minutes lost inside the wonders of her site -- check
it ).

Latest Additions & Ramblings: (also see -- our boredom relief
blog & forum)  ]

Rich Murray <>
10:40 PM (15 minutes ago)

Hi Toni,

Well, I'm 73... so would love a transcript with charts...  I watched it
twice, but it's about ten times too fast for me to take in.

Also, who are you? Do you know me from 2008 to 2011 in Santa Fe FRIAM group
and Santa Fe Complex?

I did my 120-page senior thesis in 1964 for my BS in physics and history,
about the exponential change from 1948 to 1964, moving from vacuum tubes to
transistors to the first integrated circuits.

I figured the arms race would burn us all -- a close thing, but here we
are, sharing a remarkably positive probable stream of history.

The fundamental key factor is God, as awareness expansion has also gone
exponential, my actual focus since 1965.

Google "nonduality"...

Or phone or video Skype me, if you want to go through amazing changes
quickly and easily, no fees.

Today my partner Sondra and I shared over an hour of expanded awareness
play on Google Plus Hangouts, for free, with a man in Hawaii and a lady in
Cape Cod, from our little house in Imperial Beach, 10 miles south of San
Diego -- the best of our 20 years together, as this is now our daily

I daily check out the 20 articles from site about critical
innovations -- quantum computing with photons in integrated circuits made a
huge jump today, a device that can do hundreds of original explorations
into the subleties daily...

doubling speed every 2 years for decades more, Intel silicon photonics now
revolutionizing data centers, Michael Kassner: Rich Murray 2015.01.26

[ See also:

exponential information technology 1890-2014 10exp17 more MIPS per constant
2004 dollar in 124 years, Luke Muehlhauser, Machine Intelligence Research
Institute 2014.05.12: Rich Murray 2014.12.27

since 1890, increase by 10 times every 7.3 years --

since 1950 -- 2014 = 64 years, with about 10exp13  times more =
10,000,000,000,000 times more per device, from vacuum tubes to multicore
processors -- increase by 10 times every 5 years per constant 2004 dollar.

CSICON -- Murray's Law -- Eternal Exponential Expansion of Science: Rich
Murray 1997.04.05, 2001.06.22, 2011.01.03    ]

Maybe you might forward this on, my volunteer service on the Net since
January 1999:

breakthrough study of methanol and autism, RG Walton, WC Monte, establishes
as viable a new paradigm of formaldehyde toxicity in humans only via ADH1
enzyme -- full plain text: Rich Murray 2015.08.06

[ Summary:

Methanol (wood alcohol) in humans only is formed into rampant formaldehyde
right inside cells by the ADH1 enzyme in 20 specific tissues, slowly
causing as many chronic human diseases, including Alzheimer's and multiple

No aspartame (E951)...

It's time to warn everyone not to use unfresh fruits juices and vegetables,
cut up, heated, then sealed wet in cans jars plastics at room temperatures,
as they build up methanol from their pectins.

Also, avoid fresh tomatoes and black currants.

Eat only fresh or freshly unfrozen fruits juices vegetables right after
preparation -- don't keep them for hours or days.

Do not inhale smoke from wood fires or cigarettes. ]

Evidence that ADH1 enzyme in one tissue forms methanol (wood alcohol) into
uncontrolled formaldehyde right inside cells, thus leading to specific
cumulative harm, adds to the probability that the same paradigm applies to
many more chronic human diseases in the other 19 tissues with high levels
of ADH1, notably the inner walls of blood vessels.

Since ethanol (ordinary drinking alcohol) at low levels strongly ties up
ADH1 enzyme, it is a potent antidote for all these chronic methanol
diseases, which is evidence for the paradigm.

142 mg methanol weekly is provided by 6.5 cans aspartame diet drink, about
1 can daily, the amount used by 161 moms, whose kids became autistic, over
twice the methanol taken by 550 moms who had no autistic kids.

dietary methanol and autism, Ralph G. Walton, Woodrow  C. Monte, in press,
Medical Hypotheses (now peer reviewed), free full rich text, 38 references:
Rich Murray 2015.07.06

[ much more... ]

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