In the past, the phenomenon of "the hum" has been reported on here.

One location where it is heard is Taos, NM. Not everyone can hear it, and
those that can are so annoyed by it that they usually move somewhere else.
There are dozens of sites around the globe where a small percentage of
people can hear "the hum".

The source of this is unexplained. until now :-)

The hum is most likely the holographic noise made by gravity waves. This
noise was discovered in the LIGO/Gravity wave experiments which is ongoing.
The noise is in the 40 - 130 Hz range. A good slide show on this is
"Holographic Noise" by Craig Hogan of Fermilab.

These guys go so far as to suggest that our Universe is a 2-D hologram.
which kinda fits the theme that comes up from time-to-time here - that our
reality is essentially nothing more than a VR computer program, with some
imperfections (ala several cult films).

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