In reply to  Frank Znidarsic's message of Tue, 1 Sep 2015 19:14:53 -0400:
Hi Frank,

Instead of trying to get him banned on Amazon, why don't you take him up on his
offer to give a talk? Then you will have an opportunity to answer questions
directly. You may even gain some converts. ;)

>Fred offered some really insulting remarks about me and my book and my work.  
>He never purchased a book.
>I am working to get him banned at amazon.
>This book is a self-published ("Znidarsic Science Books" indeed) collection of 
>nonsense that would not be published by any reputable organization. If this 
>loon had the courage of his convictions, then he would submit a paper to the 
>Journal of Applied Physics for peer review, or present his ideas to a 
>university physics department. He won't do either one of those things because 
>they would all laugh at him. If his ideas had any merit whatsoever, then 
>someone smarter than this knucklehead would have figured them out a long time 
>ago. Who are you gonna believe, Einstein, Fermi, Hawking and the other 
>geniuses of 20th and 21st century physics, or this loon?
>Frank, Get some professional psychiatric help while you still have a few 
>working brain cells. Just Google "grandiose delusional disorder" and you'll 
>figure it out. The problem with crazy people like you is that they misidentify 
>their target audience. I have a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering (U.Md., 1983) and 
>almost 40 years of experience in Naval and commercial nuclear power. I worked 
>on ADM Rickover's staff at Naval Reactors. Do you think I would be interested 
>in your crap? Even your fellow LENR loons don't buy your "strong force" 
>nonsense. Here is what I will do for you: I will arrange for you to present 
>your ideas to the Physics department faculty at Pitt. I'm sure they would all 
>get a good laugh.
>What do you think turned you into a theoretical physicist greater than 
>Einstein when you started out as a B.S. EE drone? If you could figure that 
>out, then you could tell your shrink exactly when you lost your mind.

Robin van Spaandonk

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