Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> Poor wording on my part. My sarcasm was meant to imply that, as you
> pointed out, future VW customers and stockholders will bare the brunt of
> mistakes made from past avoidances.
But not the present owners. HOWEVER, present owners are filing a class
action lawsuit because this defect lowers the resale value of the cars. In
that sense, they have lost money.

It is complicated. I do not know if such lawsuits have succeeded in the
past. With a normal defect, the company does not know about the problem
until it is discovered, so I do not think it can be held responsible for
lowering the resale value. The company's only obligation is to report the
problem with 5 days and then repair it promptly, at no cost to the owners.

(They can "repair" this problem easily, by adjusting the software, but it
will hurt the car's performance and mpg rating, as I said. So that lowers
the resale value.)

- Jed

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