Hello Axil,
I admit I do not understand much of the nuclear theories.
However, I think I have somewhat of an understanding of what you say about
the substrate and how it is sensitive to a certain frequency.
I have asked before; why is there not a million replication of the Holmlid
set up?
It seems very straight forward or is there something I miss?? Something,
which prevent good experimenters to replicate his experiment.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One of the major functions that LENR must fulfill is the reception,
> concentration, and amplification of energy from the external environment
> and the conversion of that power into magnetism. That external energy is
> light in one form or another.
> In LENR engineering, the structure that first captures the light energy is
> the lattice substrate. Without this substrate, LENR does not happen unless
> the source of light is very powerful. Three examples of this substrate and
> their associated systems are as follows: In the Rossi’s E-Cat, the Lattice
> is the 100 micron nickel particle that Rossi produces in fuel
> preprocessing. This particle is an antenna that optimally receives infrared
> light(heat) and converts this light energy into dipole motion. This
> electron motion produces an alternating current at high frequency.
> The next example is Holmlid’s iridium powder holder that holds iron oxide
> potassium particles. This metal lattice optimally absorbs light in the
> green-blue to UV range. This lattice will also convert this high frequency
> light into alternating current.
> The structure that converts and amplifies this alternating current into
> magnetism is nano particles of hydrogen, potassium, or lithium. This
> rydberg matter are nanowires that only allows this alternating current to
> flow in one direction. This EMF power can only collect into balls of power.
> These particles also mix electrons and light photons together to form
> polaritons. At the tips of the nanowires and the points of were they touch
> each other, vortexes of polaritons form these rings of EMF are call
> solitons of polaritons (SPP). It is these rings of EMF energy that store
> large amounts of power and produce magnetic beams that cause the LENR
> effect. They are black holes of EMF where energy goes in but does not come
> out.
> Another antenna method that seems to work is the metal foam powder holders
> that DGT came up with. This network of fine nickel wires acts like a
> backplane that caries the received EMF produced by the spark that DGT used
> to pump EMF power into the 5 micron nickel particles. DGT also produced
> rydberg matter which generated the SPPs.
> Without the lattice that receives and directs the EMF into the nanopowder,
> a powerful light source such as a laser will be powerful enough to produce
> LENR in just nanopowder alone.
> This particular behavior was observed in experiments where a laser
> irradiated gold nanopowder dissolved in water. The uranium and thorium
> salts that was dissolved in that water underwent a fission reaction. This
> says that muons where produced to canalize fission instead of neutrons.
> On the other hand, Holmlid does not need a laser to produce muons because
> the iridium powder holder is an antenna that is sensitive enough to receive
> and concentrate light from his lab’s florescent lights. But the gold powder
> which does not have a lattice substrate to help it, would not react to
> generate muons using just room lighting; these nanoparticles require a
> powerful light source like a laser to produce the magnetic power strong
> enough to generate muons.

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