
You noted: >>SPP, evanescent waves, creates huge fields with huge gradients, 
which allows protons to get entangled, electron to get entangled.<<

This is close to what I consider is happening.   Except I call the entanglement 
a coherent system of particles with many degrees of freedom for response, but 
only one being the lowest energy state that conserves angular momentum that 
happens in increments of spin quanta.  

Ed Storm’s s idea about thermo dynamics, particularly the first and second laws 
are not violated.  In this regard a coherent system seems to always go to its 
lowest energy state.  I consider all the the possible   states reflect the 
flexibility of the interaction of particles  on a continuous basis via electric 
and magnetic fields.  The assumption of a new state happens very fast, with 
additional complexity providing more degrees of freedom and a “fine tuning” of 
the lowest possible energy.  In this regard when spin states are considered by 
the coherent system—including the various states of electrons in a coherent 
system—the degrees of freedom are enormous compared to a two particle system of 
a neutron and a nucleus with its finite number of different states and coupling 
mechanisms offered by the electric and magnetic fields.  Thus, you only get 
prompt gammas with large energy changes to reach a ground state.  

In LENR you get prompt changes in spin states of all particles in the entire 
coherent system (entangled particles).  The energy changes associated with the 
very fine transitions of such a coherent system do not entail hot gammas, but 
only fine structure modifications that have a very high probability of 
happening in a very short period, compared to the transitions in an excited 
nucleus resulting from an absorbed neutron with its prompt gammas.  

In a nutshell, I consider the time it takes a coherent system—entangled using 
another term—to realize the lowest possible energy state is the shortest time 
possible, if time moves in discrete intervals.  If conservation of angular 
momentum (intrinsic spin) and its associated energy affords a lower energy 
state upon introduction of a new particle that stimulates a change to the 
system, that system will respond and take on the lowest energy state, 
conserving angular momentum. 
Linear momentum is not a major issue to conserve, since the changes to the 
coherent system do not have to make use of kinetic energy to achieve the lowest 
energy state.  Balancing kinetic energy of particles and their momentum in a 
many particle system may reduce the degrees of freedom and increase the time it 
takes to reach the lowest energy state.  The probability of this happening is 
extremely low compared to the reduction of the coherent system’s energy via the 
distribution of spin energy through out the system.  Thus, slow neutrons with 
minimal linear momentum and related kinetic energy favor the distribution of 
spin energy in the coherent system they disturb.
Bob Cook
From: Alain Sepeda 
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 2:14 AM
To: Vortex List 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-through

gamma have to be emited in most case, or else energy is transfered as momentum, 
who finish as indirect gamma or impacts. 

anyway the implicit that may not be true is that this happen in one shot.

the key idea of ed Storms is that the emission of excess energy is not done in 
one shot, but by the slow decay of an entangled group of atoms behaving like a 
big structured quantum object, able to emit small photons, because of a rich 
population of energy level...

I feel that this idea cannot be avoided, but the question is how.
Ponderomotive force if it can connect the EM field with the nucleus may allow 
an entangled hydroton (or a WL coherent patch, or anything similar) may allow 
the creation of the energy level, around keV...

Is it ? I don't know, and I'm not optimistic... anyway it happens, so something 
must do the job.

now, I propose a theory soup...

Ed storms conclude that LENr is acaused by a NAE, which is a quantum object, 
insulated from chemistry context, which can emit middle enrgy photons (keV) 
from the potential energy of light nucleus.

Widom/Srivastava propose that SPP, evanescent waves, allow huge EM field to 
exists at the surface of metals (field that are incredible out of surface), and 
that hydrogen nucleus may get entangled in groups and same with electrons.

Ponderometive force came here to propose that very strong and ihomogeneous EM 
field may give energy to nucleons.

connect all and you get another theory :

SPP, evanescent waves, creates huge fields with huge gradients, which allows 
protons to get entangled, electron to get entangled.

this gradient of EM field allows transitions associated with nucleus exchanges 
and moves.

a NAE apears in that context, where nucleus, and electrons are insulated, in 
huge EM fields, and nucleus are entangled with tha EM field, and behave like a 
big quantum object.

since it is insulated and entangled, that object can transitions between no so 
physical states, in not so physical ways, who however are not far in energy 
level... small photons are emited, absorbed.

at one moment the energy level match a very physical state, where two nucleus 
have been swapped, or fusioned. the NAE can suffer decoherence...

It is probably too simple, and I may have forgotten many details (spin 
conservation, effect of potential barrier on tunneling)...
tell me where I forget a key detail...

2015-10-16 6:36 GMT+02:00 <>:

  In reply to  Bob Cook's message of Thu, 15 Oct 2015 21:26:22 -0700:

  It doesn't matter which element/isotope absorbs the neutron, or which isotope 
  creates. Every reaction is going to produce an energetic gamma immediately. 
  the excess energy from this process is going to be in the form of gammas, and
  most of them are going to escape the device, accomplishing two things:-
  1) There will be very little left to provide heating to continue the process.
  2) The researchers will soon die of a severe radiation overdose.

  >RE: [Vo]:Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-throughJones--

  >It was my conclusion reading the paper that the energy required to free a 
neutron from Li-7 produced a thermal neutron which could be readily absorbed by 
Ni-58.  Note the paper does not address the use of other isotopes of Ni.  
Natural Ni would pose a radioactive hazard if it is sufficiently exposed to 
thermal neutrons.  An assessment of the thermal neutron flux in a Ni nano 
particle, based on the estimated production of spalled neutrons would be a 
desirable side calculation.
  >The paper makes note of the control of neutrons embodied within the Ni in 
order to prevent outside activation—see the 3rd paragraph on page 4.
  >There are a number of isotopes that can capture a neutron and still remain 
  >From: Jones Beene
  >Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 12:48 PM
  >Subject: RE: [Vo]:Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-through
  >From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
  >Ø      I posted a ref from physorg ... It involves a new observation about 
resonance which might tie in with the Swede’s paper...
  >Mark, No problem with the resonance. It’s the neutrons that are the problem.
  >What the Swedes should know, but apparently do not fully appreciate, is that 
neutrons simply cannot be involved as a modality in LENR, since there is no 
induced radioactivity. It is as simple as that. In fact, their theory is almost 
an embarrassment.
  >Neutrons are insidious and difficult to contain. Even at the lowest energy 
(ultra-cold), neutrons will eventually activate almost everything they come in 
contact with. The good news would be – this activation should serve as instant 
proof of LENR when it happens, but the bad news is that it never happens.
  >Most of the mass of the Hot Cat is the element aluminum – in the form of 
alumina ceramic. Neutron activation of aluminum occurs by numerous neutron 
capture reactions and the cross-section is substantial for thermal neutrons 
(few barns) and gets higher with colder neutrons. Such reactions as 27Al + n = 
28Al, 27Al(n,a) 24Na, 27Al(n,2n)26Al and 27Al(n,p)27Mg show up at once.
  >Even if by some miracle, only one neutron out of a million diffuses to the 
tube wall - these insidious little bastards would activate the alumina into a 
radioactive health hazard within minutes of excess heat showing up. The excited 
states following activation will undergo beta decay over protracted time 
periods and emit gammas as the nuclei de-excite to their respective ground 
states. Radioactivity would continue for months.
  >Since this does not happen, we can be almost certain that neutrons are not 
involved in the Hot Cat operation.


  Robin van Spaandonk

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