Why are Rossi's patents and intentions important, in the context of validating 
his CMNS claims? What the world is waiting for is a protocol which allows 
reputable scientists to replicate his results, and to obtain similar (+/- 30%) 
results. That would be a tremendous contribution, much more valuable than tens 
of his patents.

Ludwik  Kowalski (see Wikipedia) 


On Dec 2, 2015, at 7:49 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

> That is what the Rossi says
> I have found that Rossi doen not make misstatements when it comes to 
> egineering details. When his product are finally revailed, this pre release 
> statements are consistent with the product. Also, synthsys of all available 
> experimental data lends insight to what Rossi says. Magnetic confinement of 
> ENPs comes from various ENP theories including  the tachyon, the leptonic 
> monopole, the polyneutron, and the Erzion...all ENPs and all informative as 
> to how the cause of LENR behaves.  
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 7:30 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:
> That is what the Rossi says!  Unfortunately, we do not have any of the other 
> patents to review at this time to determine how his new device is structured. 
>  Until that happens it is wise for us to make it clear that we are 
> speculating on a particular issue so that everyone understands that that is 
> the situation.  When you state with authority that 1 device is driving 15 
> others people are left with the impression that Rossi has made that clear in 
> his writings.
> I have kept a close watch on his journal and do not recall ever seeing that 
> mentioned.  In this case I was beginning to think that perhaps I have missed 
> one of his postings, which turned out not to be the case.  My models are 
> based upon what Rossi has actually stated and I need to keep that information 
> accurate.  Can I count on you and others to make a point to state that you 
> are speculating on a new configuration concept unless it is actually written 
> by Rossi?
> Thanks,
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 5:32 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement
> Joseph
> November 5th, 2015 at 12:20 PM
> Dr Andrea Rossi,
> Congratulations for US Patent and for the 146 patents pending and in the 
> making. The story of your life can explain why you are able to do this and 
> work in your plant in the factory of the customer for 16 hours per day. You 
> are unique.
> J.
> Andrea Rossi
> November 5th, 2015 at 11:25 PM
> Joseph,
> Thank you, but if the results will be positive, this will be due also to the 
> work of our Team and also of the great family of this blog, from which so 
> much I have learnt and of Prof Sergio Focardi and Prof Norman Cook, whose 
> book has put the theoretical bases to the evolution of my work during these 
> last 6 years. If the results will be negative, obviously, the responsibility 
> will be totally mine, because I am the one that has taken all the decisions 
> on the battlefield.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> Sorry, there are 146 other patents pending.
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 4:48 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:
> That was 2 years ago before the patent was granted.  Do you see anything 
> within the patent that fits into this form?  Rossi is required to supply 
> information that is adequate to construct one of his systems if his patent is 
> to have value.
> It is quite clear that his patented device has nothing resembling a driver 
> module that is different for the other modules.  Please point that out within 
> the written patent.
> Rossi appears to be playing cat and mouse with Hank!  There is nothing like 
> this in the patent that I have seen.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 3:17 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement
> Hank Mills
> December 29th, 2013 at 2:34 PM
> Dear Andrea,
> The information you are sharing is facinating. While we wait for the full 
> reports, it gives us something to think upon.
> 1 – If the mouse over stimulates the cat so it runs around in circles 
> continually, not going back to sleep, does the cat always explode?
> 2 – Have you ever witnessed the cat running around in circles for extended 
> periods of time, not needing any extra stimulation, but remaining stable?
> 3 – Other than heat from the mouse, is anything else stimulating the cat 
> during the drive or self sustain periods? It may not work for the hot cat, 
> but I wish there was some low power method of keeping the cat stimulated. For 
> example, like the 100 watts of radio frequencies that kept the one megawatt 
> plant in self sustain mode.
> 4 – By how many degrees on average does the surface of the cat vary from the 
> end of the drive stage to the end of the self sustained stage?
> Andrea Rossi
> December 29th, 2013 at 6:10 PM
> Hank Mills:
> 1- no
> 2- confidential
> 3- no
> 4- the temperature of the Cat raises when the Mouse is turned off, lowers 
> when the Mouse is turned on
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rossi has provided a comprehensive explanation of the Cat and Mouse reactor 
> clustering method in bits and pieces throughout his Q&A blog. One of them 
> explains how the shutdown of power from the Mouse causes the Cat to be 
> stimulated.
> I now take this to mean that when Rossi shuts off a magnetic confinements 
> field coil that keeps the ENP inside the mouse, the Cats take off because the 
> ENPs can then get into the Cats to stimulate the LENR reaction. 
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 2:46 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:
> I have also seen the reference to the 16 reactors.  The question is whether 
> or not 1 is the driver with 15 following devices.  Where did you see anything 
> about a special type of driver device among the other 15?  Did Rossi state 
> this or is it entirely your assumption?
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 2:12 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement
> Roland  Bob • 17 hours ago
> Hi Bob,
> Each 250kVA module is composed of 16 reactors; we were all confused about 
> this till Rossi revealed the structure a few days ago after the photos and 
> mockups were published.
> From:
> Rossi on the E-Cat’s Modular Future: E-Cat X Units Can Combine to Make Power 
> Plants of Any Size
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 1:42 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:
> Axil, where did you see a description of the tiger?  I do not recall any 
> reference to the use of one module to drive the other 15.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Tue, Dec 1, 2015 10:40 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement
> It has be recently revealed that each 250kVA E-Cat tiger reactor module is 
> composed of 16 reactors. Only one of those reactors  is a powered 
> activator(mouse). The other 15 are drones driven by the activator. The 
> activator produces a reaction catalyst that drives the other drones. I say 
> that the reaction catalyst is the magnetic Exotic Neutral Particle(ENP) that 
> becomes mobile as its energy content level reaches a self sustaining 
> threshold. At low temperatures the alumina tub reactor shell that all these 
> reactors are comprised of confines the ENP. But as all these reactors heat 
> up, the alumina shell becomes electrically conductive. At high temperatures, 
> the alumina becomes magnetically transparent and this allows the ENP to leave 
> the activator an enter the drone where the ENP catalyzes the LENR reaction.
> http://www.thevalvepage.com/valvetek/heater/fig1.gif
> Electrical conductivity Vs, temperature.
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The so called Erzion phenomenon was discovered in a series of electrolytic 
> experiments marked by unexplained changes in a pool of cooling water outside 
> of the catalytic cell. After 40 minutes of electrolytic cell operation, water 
> on the tungsten anode side of the cooling vessel started loosing its 
> transparency.
> Water on the stainless steel cathode of the pool of cooling water remained 
> transparent, at the same 40 C temperature. A sample of bubbly water, removed 
> from the anode side, was tested for induced gamma radioactivity. No such 
> radioactivity was found in it; the sample became transparent after 24 hours. 
> Attempts to reproduce the long-term loss of cooling water transparency with 
> other electrolytes, and under different electrical discharge conditions, were 
> not successful. But the effect was highly reproducible when experimenting 
> with the tungsten-anode electrolytic cell and the 7 M KF electrolyte 
> containing 50% of heavy water.
> That cooling water on the outside of the electrolytic cell's glass reactor 
> shell at the right side (see Figure 1) is close to the anode while cooling 
> water on the left side is close to the cathode. The disappearance of bubbles, 
> after the electrolysis, was very slow (half-life of about 10 hrs). Attempts 
> to explain the phenomenon in terms of cavitation, and other ultrasonic 
> effects, were not successful. The only satisfactory explanation was possible 
> within the framework of the erzion model. Authors believe that bubbles are 
> produced through the action of neutral Erzions.
> The Erzons phenomenon behavior is consistent with the magnetic based Exotic 
> Neutral Particle(ENP). To begin with, the glass container is transparent to 
> the magnetically based ENPs both optically and magnetically. The LENR 
> reaction that keeps the ENPs viable produce the vapor that forms the water 
> bubbles. The ENPs become energetically self sufficient in the water of the 
> cooling pool where the ENPs remain viable for hours.
> If the Erzons phenomenon is produced by magnetically based ENPs, an iron 
> plate placed just on the outside of the glass wall adjacent to the anode 
> would prevent the ENPs from exiting the glass electrolytic cell. With the 
> ENPs blocked from travel, bubble production would be eliminated.
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 5:37 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In my opinion, the fundamental nature of the Rossi effect is based on 
> magnetism. The catalytic particle that produces the reaction is magnetic in 
> nature. This particle is produced by heat pumping and EMF stimulation. The 
> nature of this Exotic Neutral Particle (ENP)is reflected by the behaviour of 
> the E-Cat itself and reflect how the E-Cat operates. 
> The ENP can exist at low energy pumping where the energy coming into the 
> particle is equal to the energy leaving the particle. This is similar to the 
> way Rossi keeps his reactor under control. Too much external energy pumping 
> will result in the E-Cat going critical.
> The same process of over pumping happens with the ENP. Overpumping brings it 
> to the stage where it becomes self-sufficient requiring no additional EMF 
> input. The energized ENP can get EMF from the environment around it not 
> requiring external heat or EMF simulation to be applied.
> The same is true for the E-Cat. When the E-Cat is subcritical, it requires 
> heat and EMF stimulation to be applied. But when it is "over stimulated" it 
> begins to meltdown since it has become independent from externally applied 
> stimulation.
> The ENP can live as long as it can catalyze energy production from the 
> material around it. The ENP can live for days on its own as it brings in 
> energy from the environment to sustain its internal LENR reaction processes.
> Magnetic confinement increases efficiency of the reaction. Such confinement 
> saves the externally applied energy that produced the ENP from being wasted. 
> The ENP can leave the reactor if the material that makes up the reactor 
> enclosure is transparent to the optical and magnetic nature of the ENP. This 
> might be why electrolytic cells have difficulty in sustaining powerful LENR 
> reactions. In this case, the ENPs escape the glass beaker reactor enclosure 
> and all the input energy that was pumped into the ENP is wasted to the 
> environment. outside the electrolytic cell.
> If the cell is made of material that can contain the ENP both optically and 
> magnetically, the reactor will be efficent. Alumina is antiferromagnetic and 
> will confine magnetic particles thy to escape the reactor shell. Another 
> method of ENP confinement that Rossi might use is a solenoidal confinement 
> coil that keeps the ENPs away from the reactor walls in the center axis of 
> the reactor.

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