I assume that your concepts include the various particles such as the 
polyneutron, Erzion, etc. but Rossi has never mentioned any of these.  They may 
be involved in the LENR process, but I suspect that Rossi has never used those 
terms within his postings.

I too have found that he is careful to reveal actual portions of his design but 
sometimes it is nearly impossible to know exactly how to interpret his 
descriptions.  He divulged a great deal of useful information concerning the 
PWM operation of his original ECAT that I found to be applicable within my 
thermal models.  It was with this information that I was able to convince 
myself that it is indeed possible to control a large amount of thermal power 
with a much smaller quantity.  His actual duty cycle works within my computer 
model when I make certain reasonable assumptions.  I was able to achieve a COP 
of 6 in this manner.

It is important to carefully interpret the words that he uses when he writes 
and that is why I request that we are careful to not add our own ideas to what 
is revealed unless acknowledged in our text.  So far I do not see any proof 
that he currently is using 1 drive device to handle 15 others.  That may be the 
case, but his latest patent does not reveal that structure.

It might make sense to use this design if the COP of the new devices is 15 or 
greater except for one situation.  My models show that you need extra power to 
get over the 'hump' before the gain maxes out to 15.  The required drive for 
each to overcome the 'hump' is too great unless driven a few at a time.





-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 7:49 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement

That is what the Rossi says

I have found that Rossi doen not make misstatements when it comes to egineering 
details. When his product are finally revailed, this pre release statements are 
consistent with the product. Also, synthsys of all available experimental data 
lends insight to what Rossi says. Magnetic confinement of ENPs comes from 
various ENP theories including  the tachyon, the leptonic monopole, the 
polyneutron, and the Erzion...all ENPs and all informative as to how the cause 
of LENR behaves.  

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 7:30 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

That is what the Rossi says!  Unfortunately, we do not have any of the other 
patents to review at this time to determine how his new device is structured.  
Until that happens it is wise for us to make it clear that we are speculating 
on a particular issue so that everyone understands that that is the situation.  
When you state with authority that 1 device is driving 15 others people are 
left with the impression that Rossi has made that clear in his writings.

I have kept a close watch on his journal and do not recall ever seeing that 
mentioned.  In this case I was beginning to think that perhaps I have missed 
one of his postings, which turned out not to be the case.  My models are based 
upon what Rossi has actually stated and I need to keep that information 
accurate.  Can I count on you and others to make a point to state that you are 
speculating on a new configuration concept unless it is actually written by 






-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>

Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 5:32 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement

November 5th, 2015 at 12:20 PM
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations for US Patent and for the 146 patents pending and in the 
making. The story of your life can explain why you are able to do this and work 
in your plant in the factory of the customer for 16 hours per day. You are 

Andrea Rossi
November 5th, 2015 at 11:25 PM
Thank you, but if the results will be positive, this will be due also to the 
work of our Team and also of the great family of this blog, from which so much 
I have learnt and of Prof Sergio Focardi and Prof Norman Cook, whose book has 
put the theoretical bases to the evolution of my work during these last 6 
years. If the results will be negative, obviously, the responsibility will be 
totally mine, because I am the one that has taken all the decisions on the 
Warm Regards,

Sorry, there are 146 other patents pending.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 4:48 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

That was 2 years ago before the patent was granted.  Do you see anything within 
the patent that fits into this form?  Rossi is required to supply information 
that is adequate to construct one of his systems if his patent is to have value.

It is quite clear that his patented device has nothing resembling a driver 
module that is different for the other modules.  Please point that out within 
the written patent.

Rossi appears to be playing cat and mouse with Hank!  There is nothing like 
this in the patent that I have seen.





-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>

Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 3:17 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement

Hank Mills
December 29th, 2013 at 2:34 PM
Dear Andrea,
The information you are sharing is facinating. While we wait for the full 
reports, it gives us something to think upon.
1 – If the mouse over stimulates the cat so it runs around in circles 
continually, not going back to sleep, does the cat always explode?
2 – Have you ever witnessed the cat running around in circles for extended 
periods of time, not needing any extra stimulation, but remaining stable?
3 – Other than heat from the mouse, is anything else stimulating the cat during 
the drive or self sustain periods? It may not work for the hot cat, but I wish 
there was some low power method of keeping the cat stimulated. For example, 
like the 100 watts of radio frequencies that kept the one megawatt plant in 
self sustain mode.
4 – By how many degrees on average does the surface of the cat vary from the 
end of the drive stage to the end of the self sustained stage?

Andrea Rossi
December 29th, 2013 at 6:10 PM
Hank Mills:
1- no
2- confidential
3- no
4- the temperature of the Cat raises when the Mouse is turned off, lowers when 
the Mouse is turned on
Warm Regards,

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

Rossi has provided a comprehensive explanation of the Cat and Mouse reactor 
clustering method in bits and pieces throughout his Q&A blog. One of them 
explains how the shutdown of power from the Mouse causes the Cat to be 

I now take this to mean that when Rossi shuts off a magnetic confinements field 
coil that keeps the ENP inside the mouse, the Cats take off because the ENPs 
can then get into the Cats to stimulate the LENR reaction. 

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 2:46 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

I have also seen the reference to the 16 reactors.  The question is whether or 
not 1 is the driver with 15 following devices.  Where did you see anything 
about a special type of driver device among the other 15?  Did Rossi state this 
or is it entirely your assumption?



-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>

Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 2:12 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement

Roland  Bob • 17 hours ago

Hi Bob,
Each 250kVA module is composed of 16 reactors; we were all confused about this 
till Rossi revealed the structure a few days ago after the photos and mockups 
were published.

Rossi on the E-Cat’s Modular Future: E-Cat X Units Can Combine to Make Power 
Plants of Any Size

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 1:42 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

Axil, where did you see a description of the tiger?  I do not recall any 
reference to the use of one module to drive the other 15.





-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tue, Dec 1, 2015 10:40 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR reactors need magnetic confinement

It has be recently revealed that each 250kVA E-Cat tiger reactor module is 
composed of 16 reactors. Only one of those reactors  is a powered 
activator(mouse). The other 15 are drones driven by the activator. The 
activator produces a reaction catalyst that drives the other drones. I say that 
the reaction catalyst is the magnetic Exotic Neutral Particle(ENP) that becomes 
mobile as its energy content level reaches a self sustaining threshold. At low 
temperatures the alumina tub reactor shell that all these reactors are 
comprised of confines the ENP. But as all these reactors heat up, the alumina 
shell becomes electrically conductive. At high temperatures, the alumina 
becomes magnetically transparent and this allows the ENP to leave the activator 
an enter the drone where the ENP catalyzes the LENR reaction.


Electrical conductivity Vs, temperature.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

The so called Erzion phenomenon was discovered in a series of electrolytic 
experiments marked by unexplained changes in a pool of cooling water outside of 
the catalytic cell. After 40 minutes of electrolytic cell operation, water on 
the tungsten anode side of the cooling vessel started loosing its transparency.
Water on the stainless steel cathode of the pool of cooling water remained 
transparent, at the same 40 C temperature. A sample of bubbly water, removed 
from the anode side, was tested for induced gamma radioactivity. No such 
radioactivity was found in it; the sample became transparent after 24 hours. 
Attempts to reproduce the long-term loss of cooling water transparency with 
other electrolytes, and under different electrical discharge conditions, were 
not successful. But the effect was highly reproducible when experimenting with 
the tungsten-anode electrolytic cell and the 7 M KF electrolyte containing 50% 
of heavy water.

That cooling water on the outside of the electrolytic cell's glass reactor 
shell at the right side (see Figure 1) is close to the anode while cooling 
water on the left side is close to the cathode. The disappearance of bubbles, 
after the electrolysis, was very slow (half-life of about 10 hrs). Attempts to 
explain the phenomenon in terms of cavitation, and other ultrasonic effects, 
were not successful. The only satisfactory explanation was possible within the 
framework of the erzion model. Authors believe that bubbles are produced 
through the action of neutral Erzions.
The Erzons phenomenon behavior is consistent with the magnetic based Exotic 
Neutral Particle(ENP). To begin with, the glass container is transparent to the 
magnetically based ENPs both optically and magnetically. The LENR reaction that 
keeps the ENPs viable produce the vapor that forms the water bubbles. The ENPs 
become energetically self sufficient in the water of the cooling pool where the 
ENPs remain viable for hours.
If the Erzons phenomenon is produced by magnetically based ENPs, an iron plate 
placed just on the outside of the glass wall adjacent to the anode would 
prevent the ENPs from exiting the glass electrolytic cell. With the ENPs 
blocked from travel, bubble production would be eliminated.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 5:37 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

In my opinion, the fundamental nature of the Rossi effect is based on 
magnetism. The catalytic particle that produces the reaction is magnetic in 
nature. This particle is produced by heat pumping and EMF stimulation. The 
nature of this Exotic Neutral Particle (ENP)is reflected by the behaviour of 
the E-Cat itself and reflect how the E-Cat operates. 

The ENP can exist at low energy pumping where the energy coming into the 
particle is equal to the energy leaving the particle. This is similar to the 
way Rossi keeps his reactor under control. Too much external energy pumping 
will result in the E-Cat going critical.

The same process of over pumping happens with the ENP. Overpumping brings it to 
the stage where it becomes self-sufficient requiring no additional EMF input. 
The energized ENP can get EMF from the environment around it not requiring 
external heat or EMF simulation to be applied.

The same is true for the E-Cat. When the E-Cat is subcritical, it requires heat 
and EMF stimulation to be applied. But when it is "over stimulated" it begins 
to meltdown since it has become independent from externally applied stimulation.

The ENP can live as long as it can catalyze energy production from the material 
around it. The ENP can live for days on its own as it brings in energy from the 
environment to sustain its internal LENR reaction processes.

Magnetic confinement increases efficiency of the reaction. Such confinement 
saves the externally applied energy that produced the ENP from being wasted. 

The ENP can leave the reactor if the material that makes up the reactor 
enclosure is transparent to the optical and magnetic nature of the ENP. This 
might be why electrolytic cells have difficulty in sustaining powerful LENR 
reactions. In this case, the ENPs escape the glass beaker reactor enclosure and 
all the input energy that was pumped into the ENP is wasted to the environment. 
outside the electrolytic cell.

If the cell is made of material that can contain the ENP both optically and 
magnetically, the reactor will be efficent. Alumina is antiferromagnetic and 
will confine magnetic particles thy to escape the reactor shell. Another method 
of ENP confinement that Rossi might use is a solenoidal confinement coil that 
keeps the ENPs away from the reactor walls in the center axis of the reactor.

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