Conservation of miraclesJones--

You stated:

>>>No other “single miracle” reaction of deuterium has yet been proposed to 
>>>meet this criterion, since the excess energy is generally way too large to 
>>>hide with any alternative explanation such as fusion or spallation. <<<

I suggested long ago that deuterium fuses to form He within the FCC Ni lattice 
and distributes excess energy as spin energy in the Ni electronic structure 
without the damage and radiation associated with high kinetic energy of the He 
daughters.  That’s one miracle.  I proposed it occurs because of coupling 
within a single coherent (entangled) system of Ni, D, He  and electrons.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 7:09 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Conservation of miracles

The problem (as always) in LENR: can we identify a version of a known nuclear 
reaction which will provide substantial excess energy, at low input energy, 
without a substantial output of gamma radiation or bremsstrahlung from a fast 
electron or activation from a neutron … thus requiring ONLY one miracle (the 
nuclear event itself), instead of two miracles (the event, and the masking of 
the physical evidence of the event)? 

Answer: if deuterium experiences accelerated beta decay (the first miracle) 
then a modest amount of excess energy and no high energy radiation are 
expected. No other “single miracle” reaction of deuterium has yet been proposed 
to meet this criterion, since the excess energy is generally way too large to 
hide with any alternative explanation such as fusion or spallation. 

If one wishes to tie this problem into current topics in LENR (such as 
Holmlid’s UDD), then the specific premise would be that an accelerated decay, 
not a nucleon disintegration, would be the probable result of dense deuterium 
being exposed to a laser pulse.

Deuterium is not radioactive. However, all free neutrons are radioactive and 
decay in about 1000 seconds to a proton and electron with an excess energy of 
780 keV. All neutrons, even bound neutrons, have been said by some physicists 
to be technically unstable in the long-term due to free neutron radioactivity … 
(but with exceedingly long half-lives). Accelerated beta decay is an accepted 
phenomenon in hydrogen isotopes, and occurs with tritium, for instance. We can 
propose a version of accelerated decay for UDD which solves many observational 
problems of LENR, and requires only the “single miracle”.
If an accelerated beta decay occurs in deuterium, you end up a nucleus 
consisting of two protons and no neutrons (a diproton). The protons repel, and 
so long as the available input energy is moderate, no gamma is expected.

Background numbers. The mass of the proton is 1.0079 amu. The mass of the 
neutron is 1.0087. The difference is .0008 amu. The electron mass in amu is 
0.00055. If the bound neutron in the deuteron undergoes a novel type of decay 
to a proton and an electron, which is instigated by a laser, a large magnetic 
field, or both - there is extra mass energy of .00025 amu = 233 keV. The former 
deuterium nucleus, after emitting the electron using a fraction of that energy 
in a quasi-beta decay, now has two protons which repel with an average energy 
which could be absorbed in the water of an electrolysis cell and avoid 

Protons are composed of two Up quarks and one Down quark. The neutron is made 
of two Down and one Up quark. Can an intense magnetic field with laser 
irradiation, disrupt QCD color exchange to convert a DQ to a UQ due to QCD 
disruption in strong magnetic field? M. N. Chernodub or CNRS, University of 
Tours, France has a paper which makes a case for this proposition: “QCD in 
strong magnetic field”:

If he is correct, then some of Holmlid’s work can be reinterpreted – not as 
nucleon disintegration but as accelerated beta decay of deuterium due to QCD 
disruption, resulting in a temporary diproton. 

Then and finally … ta da… (drum roll)… we have identified the long awaited 
conservation of miracles explanation of cold fusion, having reduced the problem 
to the single miracle, instead of two or more… 

…leaving open the related question of explaining Ni-H… but let’s face it, there 
is no possibility of a single explanation for both, other than Holmlid’s 
complete disintegration. Like many here, I find “complete nucleon 
disintegration” with only laser input - hard to accept, especially compared 
with accelerated decay.


Accelerated decay of tritium:

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