Only got a moment but wanted to interject a comment and a thought here, I think 
this line of investigation has the low hanging fruit that could finally get us 
over the cusp, I hope the researchers will use LENR as a test bed for their 
investigation because I am convinced it represents associated parameters of 
constraint just like the difference between [P1V1] = [P2V2] and [P1V1/T1] 
=[P2V2/T2], It is the reason these anomalies are detectable in LENR even though 
the magnetic constrains are presently due to happenstance.  The research 
between magnetic fields and gravity need to be conjoined with LENR to provide 
the constraints needed for robust measurable anomalies to occur at reasonable 
levels of effort instead of requiring collider scale superconductors to elicit.
From: Jack Cole []
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 8:14 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:How Current Loops and Solenoids Curve Space-time

From the link that Arnaud sent, there is an interesting possible application 
(emphasis mine).  Google translated.

"André Füzfa: that's it! My basic question was how to generate gravity at will. 
And how to do it on the basis of the technology we have now. Magnetic fields 
(or electric) are the only suitable candidates, since the control by making 
them appear or disappear at will (almost). It revolutionizes our way of 
studying gravitation! And this will also be a way to use it to our technology! 
Imagine such a way to communicate from one end to the other of the globe 
without the need for satellite or terrestrial relay ...! It would be a 
revolution authorized by the gravitational wave generation using alternative 
intense electric currents."

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 2:33 AM Arnaud Kodeck 
<<>> wrote:
Here is an interview of André Füzfa is the local newsweek:

It is written in French.
From: Rich Murray [<>]
Sent: mardi 12 janvier 2016 05:49
To:<>; Rich Murray
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How Current Loops and Solenoids Curve Space-time

nice friendly happy bright confident open face

ah, what will be emerging by 2116... ??

!! Rich

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 6:42 PM, Axil Axil 
<<>> wrote:
The Rodin coil is raped in a vortex. It produces a monopole magnetic field.

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Jack Cole 
<<>> wrote:
Saw this posted to the Google+ LENR group.  Seems interesting and has at least 
been accepted for publication in Physical Review 
  The full paper is available on Arxiv<>.

They do propose a method of producing gravity through electromagnetism and 
detecting the effects.  There does not seem to be any new physics proposed.  
Although the effect would be minuscule and likely of no practical value in the 
immediate future, they note:

"Such a detection of the space-time curvature generated by a magnetic field in 
laboratory would constitute a major step in physics: the ability to produce, 
detect, and ultimately control artificial gravitational fields. And would this 
technology be developed, it could lead to amazing applications like the 
controlled emission of gravitational waves with large alternative electric 
currents. Gravity would then cease to be the last of the four fundamental 
forces not under control by human beings."


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