
It seems we have the same notions.  

I have long thought that the magnetic field in a metal aligns the spins of the 
electrons as well as the nucleons and provides a coupling mechanism to match 
resonances and hence allow transfer of nuclear spin  potential energy to the 
phonic energy of electrons.  

Bob Cook

From: Roarty, Francis X 
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 6:15 AM
Subject: RE:[Vo]:How Current Loops and Solenoids Curve Space-time

Hi Jack, I have been following this also and even the proposed use of large 
superconducting magnets in a collider are only expected to produce miniscule 
variations but just proving the correlation is a very important step and I 
think LENR will benefit enormously. Jones’ focus on a correlation between 
magnetic fields and LENR may turn out to be an understatement if, as I suspect, 
there is synergy between the suppression of a lattice NAE and  the size of the 
magnetic field needed to redirect gravity.



From: Jack Cole [] 
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 8:48 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:How Current Loops and Solenoids Curve Space-time


Saw this posted to the Google+ LENR group.  Seems interesting and has at least 
been accepted for publication in Physical Review D.  The full paper is 
available on Arxiv.


They do propose a method of producing gravity through electromagnetism and 
detecting the effects.  There does not seem to be any new physics proposed.  
Although the effect would be minuscule and likely of no practical value in the 
immediate future, they note:


"Such a detection of the space-time curvature generated by a magnetic field in 
laboratory would constitute a major step in physics: the ability to produce, 
detect, and ultimately control artificial gravitational fields. And would this 
technology be developed, it could lead to amazing applications like the 
controlled emission of gravitational waves with large alternative electric 
currents. Gravity would then cease to be the last of the four fundamental 
forces not under control by human beings."



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