For those who want to believe in magic….

There is a new form of (proved) energy harvesting … without RF, and it is a 
field where electrets are actually essential (in combination with 

There is the slight possibility that Orbo implements this kind of energy 
harvesting (vibrational/mechanical) in such a way that it operates on very 
slight motion, nearly imperceptible. Say… do they have the Taos hum in Dublin? 
They do have it in Bristol, UK apparently:

More likely: almost every week there is an announcement like this in the field 
of ultracapacitors.

It may be giving Steorn too much credit, but a combination of electrets, piezos 
and ultracaps is poised to happen somewhere soon - due to the convergence of 
technology advancement on many front. 

Perhaps they got lucky (they are Irish, after all) but in the end – Orbo is not 
overunity, even if it could be a valuable advance. 

Say… what about that Irish hum …

Assuming that Steorn really are shipping a product soon, and the Oz-Reds as 
well - it should not take long to find out most of what is going on. Actually, 
I doubt that the device operates by rectifying RF and I doubt that it is 
overunity. There could easily be a major breakthrough in ultra-capacitors, 

The best thing which could come out of it, assuming both Steorn and ADGEX have 
found the same bona fide energy anomaly – is that both devices will illuminate 
the underlying technology better than either alone - so that whatever is at the 
core of it can be understood and improved.

These new products are too close in time for it to be coincidental. The big 
question is: are we seeing an anomaly or is it the work of two different scam 
artists coming out within weeks of each other? 

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