We can adore Shawyer for his engineering, that doesn’t mean we have to love his 
physics ;)


From: alain.coetm...@gmail.com [mailto:alain.coetm...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
Alain Sepeda
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 2:13 PM
To: Vortex List
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: EM Drive(s)


the claim of shawyer is that the energy inside the cavity is destroyed by 
acceleration. he propose something linked to doppler detuning.


this is one theory.


MiHsC have another vision where vacuum energy, information, horizon and mach 
principle are important factors.


CoE, CoM are respected by Newton, Einstein,... They just change on what it 


2016-03-14 19:44 GMT+01:00 David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com 
<mailto:dlrober...@aol.com> >:

Good argument.  I just wanted to add one thought.

>From the EM drive's point of view the CoE must be violated because as it 
>accelerates in space a portion of it's mass must be converted into energy that 
>is used to power the drive.  When it ceases to use the drive it begins to 
>remain motionless in space from its point of view.   Where did that mass go 
>which was converted into energy that powered the drive?  Did it simply vanish?

This problem does not exist for normal rocket engines that expel a reaction 
mass.  In that case, the energy is accounted for by the mass that is speeding 
rapidly away from the rocket.





-----Original Message-----
From: Vibrator ! <mrvibrat...@gmail.com <mailto:mrvibrat...@gmail.com> >
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com <mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com> >
Sent: Mon, Mar 14, 2016 7:03 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: EM Drive(s)

Yes, and this is why KE = 1/2 MV^2 - ie., why the acceleration unit cost 
escalates; a given force has to be applied over an ever-greater distance as 
velocity (time rate of change of position) increases.  Alternatively, we could 
hold displacement constant and progressively raise the force magnitude.  

Yet Craig still seems to have a point - without some kind of corporeal reaction 
mass, what is an EM drive's velocity actually relative to?  What's its 
reference frame, if not the thing it's pushing against?

To illustrate the conundrum, suppose i have an EM drive aboard a train, and you 
the observer are standing on the platform as the train passes through the 
station:  I fire the engine, and it accelerates by 1 meter / sec.

Suppose the engine weighs 10 kg.  From my perspective, its KE has increased by 
5 Joules - ie. it's perrformed 5 J of mechanical work, regardless of how much 
more energy may have been wasted to heat.

But if the train was already travelling at 10 m/s, and the drive accelerated in 
the same direction, then from your stationary perspective the drive has 
accelerated up from 10 to 11 m/s - and for a 10 kg mass that's a workload of 
105 J - bringing its KE up from 500 J to 605 J.

So, has the drive burned 5 J or 105 J?

If i cheated - the drive doesn't really work, and i just gave it a 
surreptitious shove - this same paradox is resolved by a corresponding 
deceleration of the train - ie. if i accelerate a small mass against the 
inertia of a larger mass, the latter is decelerated and net momentum is 

Except here, the drive ISN'T pushing against the train.  Yet it still benefits 
from its ambient velocity.  Net momentum is NOT conserved, and neither is 

And so the question arises, how does the EM drive "know" what its reference 
frame is?  Shawyer claims (or seems to imply) that the unit cost of 
acceleration increases as we would normally expect (distance over which a given 
force is applied keeps rising) - but how does it measure "distance"?  Relative 
to what, exactly?   Without physical reaction mass, such a system has its own 
unique reference frame - from within which, energy may be conserved, but which 
from without, cannot be.

I mean this not as a crtitique against the plausibility of such systems, and 
share the prevailing cautious optimism.  But if they do work, then we also have 
an energy anomaly.

In the many years i've been researching classical symmetry breaks, one thing 
has become clear - the only way to explain away a real symmetry break is to 
invoke another somewhere else up or downstream (it's a standard recourse for 
pseudoskeptics).  As much as i'd welcome free energy, momentum and FTL travel, 
and despite Shawyer's assurances everything's classically consistent, these 
enigmatic implications remain..   for me, at least.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 4:17 AM, <mix...@bigpond.com 
<mailto:mix...@bigpond.com> > wrote:

In reply to  Craig Haynie's message of Sun, 13 Mar 2016 21:08:43 -0400:

Note the use of the word "acceleration".

Acceleration produces a force. Force times distance = energy.

>This doesn't make any sense:
>"For a given acceleration period, the higher the mean velocity, the
>longer the distance travelled, hence the higher the energy lost by the
>Since we're not talking about relativistic speeds, then the idea that a
>device will consume more energy, over a given period of time, simply
>because it's moving, would violate Einstein's Special Relativity which
>says there's no preferred frame of reference. The moving object cannot
>be said to be moving at all.

Robin van Spaandonk




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