This star trek episode was much better, IMHO:

One thing Sim theory does is really give a new light on Heaven and Hell.
Better make good choices, or your uploaded brain could be placed into Sim
HELL and as someone who've played some pretty scary video games, I can only
imagine how bad Sim HELL could really be.

Sim heaven, on the other hand, could be pretty awesome.

On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 3:17 PM, Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. <>

> One of my dramatizations of this theme is from StarTrek NG.  Note it has
> recursion and chirality reversal -- very well done!
> Ship in a bottle; Elementary Dear Data
> <>
> Hoyt Stearns
> Scottsdale Arizona US
> *From:* Jones Beene []
> *Sent:* Saturday, April 23, 2016 2:12 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:13th Floor - deja vu all over again
> *From:* Blaze Spinnaker
> Ø       Also, it does lend credence to concepts of immortality. One goal
> of transhumanists is backing up your 'brain'. If you die, you just need to
> reload it into a simulation.
> Who needs the simulation, or stated differently, isn’t the Sim intrinsic
> to power-law evolution? Can an individual use the Sim to avoid being
> locked into an endless succession of Sims?
> It may be possible within a generation to essentially “download a brain”… such
> that the dying individual at least has the comfort of a
> continuity-mythology (of a scientific variety)… IOW, which is not tied to
> the whims of 3000 year old fairy tales … including the reality of a
> special kind of physical immortality.
> The evolution of the SSD, the PC, AI and AR is clearly towards the 
> implementation
> of the SSS – the solid state soul… J The SSS can find a carrier in many
> kinds of vehicles.
> There is even an advantage to accomplishing this kind of mechanical
> continuity outside the Sim, for the most successful individuals, the 2%. Side
> note: In truth, this select few should be far less than 1 percent of the
> general population, but there is a wider margin, based on other factors in
> a capitalistic society, including wealth. This is most evident in a
> political season.
> The disembodied (re-bodied) soul of the second tier (the Betas of Brave
> New World) as an SSS becomes a marketable item in a capitalist system, as
> does the genetically perfected body. Evolution is taken over by an
> exponential power law. The Sim is inevitable at some point and ingrained
> in the process, so the next goal is to develop the best Sim in order to jump
> out of the Sim-cycle.
> The wealthy would-be couple avoid children in favor or wealth, or most
> likely the single parent, who then will buy a genetically engineered
> near-duplicate body, a product of a surrogate mother, based his/her own
> perfected genome – which is of course the equivalent of the “alphas” of
> BNW. They can shop around for available compatible souls to supplement
> his/her own contribution - from a broker of such - as a head-start
> towards evolution of both together.
> The possibilities are mind boggling … especially with a fine Pinot Noir
> to be sampled at 5… or earlier if this thread mutates into new territory…
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