
I think I understand why you believe NASA the Navy and elsewhere, as well as 
the venture capitalists—they have spoon-feed you.  Most of them are the same 
government/energy village, not unlike the “nuclear village in Japan, that has 
tried to discount the LENR technology development for the last 27 years at the 
great expense  of civilization  IMHO.

Why do you think that the Navy and NASA gave up reporting on the Pd-D system 
which they developed and continue to develop IMHO.  This is the only program 
they were,in the past, able to discuss—the rest were dark programs in my 
not-so-humble opinion.

I do have a good idea who you have talked to, since you have identified them 
over the 2 plus years I have participated in the Vortex-l blog.  

Bob Cook

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Let's continue to think about passive vs active approach 
to LENR 's existentil problems

Bob Cook <> wrote:

  IMHO you seem to select those folks who you want to believe, and distrust 
those that seem to support Rossi’s comments. 

It may seem so to you, but you are wrong. I have met with and worked with many 
people who worked with Rossi -- or tried to work with him. People from the 
Navy, NASA and elsewhere, and also venture capitalists. I know a lot about 
their interactions. I am not free to describe everything I know, but I believe 
what they told me, and based on this information, I do not trust Rossi and I 
think he is incompetent. This is not what I "want to believe." It is a 
conclusion I reached carefully after many years and dozens of conversations, 
e-mails, formal reports, proposals and so on.

Frankly, I resent it when you claim this is what I "want" to believe, and when 
others here say I am jumping to conclusions based on thin evidence. Why the 
hell would I "want" to conclude that I.H. wasted $11 million?!? Schadenfreude? 
Do you think I want to see the last, best hope for funding cold fusion 
destroyed? After devoting years of my life to this effort, do you think I 
"want" to see millions of dollars wasted?

You have no idea what I know or who I have talked to. You have no basis for 
making these assertions. Furthermore, if you know me, you will know that I am 
very careful about judging people or experiments, and I bend over backwards to 
give people the benefit of the doubt. I do not jump to conclusion. But I also 
do not deny overwhelming evidence from dozens of people describing Rossi's 
behavior. I spent three days at a conference talking informally with the people 
from NASA who Rossi almost killed. I know what happened, in detail. I know 
about the financial support they were offering him. That incident alone proves 
that Rossi is grossly irresponsible, incompetent, a loose cannon, and either 
crazy or criminal. You need to get a grip and think about what he did:

He seriously endangered people's lives.

He got angry and denied it when they showed him the pipe was clogged and there 
was high pressure steam leaking out of the welded joints.

He and everyone in the room evacuated when it became apparent there was no 
safety valve.

They later opened the reactor and proved it had been on the verge of an 

He refused to do the test again properly!

When they told him they could not pay him millions of dollars as discussed, 
because he would not do a test, he became infuriated and he threw them out.

Rossi has done this sort of thing time after time, not just with this group but 
with others. This is only one example out of many. Based on this incident 
alone, he has no credibility and nothing he says can be believed.

The people at I.H., on the other hand, have loads of credibility. If they say 
the 1-year test produced no excess heat, and Rossi says it produced 50 times 
input, I believe them. I have abundant, well-grounded reasons for believing 
them. It is not a conclusion that I jumped to the day the lawsuit was announced.

- Jed

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