Has anyone looked at RM from the point of view of quantum mechanical electron 
orbitals? If so could you help me understand some crazy thoughts and questions 
I have about it ?

I understand Rydberg hydrogen matter typically forms from excited hydrogen 
atoms in some way.

Most literature seems to represent the electron orbits in Rydberg Hydrogen in a 
classical Bohr electron shell representation. 

What is the case in the quantum mechanical model? Are the electrons excited to 
particular states such as S2 or P2 orbitals? I suppose the electrons are more 
easily excited to P2 from the S1 orbital if excited by photon absorption for 

Does the type of RM depend on the type of orbitals the electrons are in? For 
example using Holmlid definitions is a S2 more likely to form H(1) type RM and 
P2 more likely to form H(0). Naively looking at the dumbbell shape of P2 
orbitals does this allow closer approach of the nuclei than say S2 with its 
spherical orbital?

I think it's not so straight forward though as I think in Holmlid's recent 
paper he mentions the orbital angular momentum (l) in each state. Particular 
electron orbital types have particular orbitals. S orbitals have l=0, P 
orbitals have l=1 etc. however he mentions that H(0) and D(0) have l=0 and H(1) 
and D(1) have l>0. This is the opposite than I suggested above suggesting that 
in fact the S orbitals allow the more compact configuration of RM and P and 
other Orbital types can form normal RM.

On another matter are the orbitals themselves affected in the dense form of 
H(0) bearing in mind the very close spacing if the nuclei a few pm compared to 
the normal S1 orbital radius? Also does the vortex nature of the close 
combinations of atomic pairs into threads impact the electron orbitals?

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