Lewan reports :
* The water heated by the MW plant was circulating in a closed loop, and since the return temperature was varying, due to different load in the process of the customer, Rossi insisted that the energy corresponding to heating the inflowing cooled water (at about 60˚C) to boiling temperature would not be taken into account for calculating the thermal power produced by the MW plant. The ERV accepted. (This was conservative, decreasing the calculated thermal power. The main part of the calculated thermal power, however, derives from the water being evaporated when boiling). * He also insisted that an arbitrary chosen 10 percent should be subtracted in the power calculation, with no other reason than to be conservative. The ERV accepted. * The average flow of water was 36 cubic meters per day. http://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l%40eskimo.com/msg109919.html [Vo]:Re: CMNS: CONTRIBUTION FROM V. VYSOTSKII, NEW DISPUTE GENERATOR LAUNCHED<, Daniel Rocha Mon, 16 May 2016 14:56:42 -0700 The circulating water amounted to 36m^3/day, which gives ~0.41l/s, that's 410g/s. I just happen to have a dandy steam calculator handy. Let's see what happens if we put 1MW into it. Worst case, starting from cold. Input water 10C, 5 bars pressure : Wet steam at 151C steam quality 0.863 (ie mostly steam, some water droplets) http://lenr.qumbu.com/ecatcalc.php?plot=Plot&ever=d&efzx0=0&efzy0=0&efzx9=9&efzy9=9&esl=1&epbr=1&enm=JM+worst+case+10C+inlet+5+bar&edh=0&edm=0&eds=1&eif=0.41&eip=1000&ecp=0&eop=1000&eoxr=1&et0=20&ep0=1&et1=10&ep2=5&er2=2 Nominal, return water 60C, pressure 2 bars : almost dry steam at 121C Quality 0.993 Note : a kettle boiler will give about 0.95 quality http://lenr.qumbu.com/ecatcalc.php?plot=Plot&ever=d&efzx0=0&efzy0=0&efzx9=9&efzy9=9&esl=1&epbr=1&enm=JM+nominal+60C+inlet+2+bar&edh=0&edm=0&eds=1&eif=0.41&eip=1000&ecp=0&eop=1000&eoxr=1&et0=20&ep0=1&et1=60&ep2=2&er2=2 Best case : inlet 99C 1 bar : Superheated dry steam at 170C http://lenr.qumbu.com/ecatcalc.php?plot=Plot&ever=d&efzx0=0&efzy0=0&efzx9=9&efzy9=9&esl=1&epbr=1&enm=JM+best++90C+inlet+1+bar&edh=0&edm=0&eds=1&eif=0.41&eip=1000&ecp=0&eop=1000&eoxr=1&et0=20&ep0=1&et1=90&ep2=1&er2=2 These are all consistent with the described industrial use. From: "Jed Rothwell" <jedrothw...@gmail.com> To: "vortex-l" <vortex-l@eskimo.com> Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 4:53:15 PM Subject: Re: [Vo]:Validity of E-Cat 1 MW plant test Patrick Ellul < ellulpatr...@gmail.com > wrote: > The temperature was just over 100 deg C according to Rossi. Where did you get this quote from Rossi? You can compute that from what he told Lewan. See: [Vo]:Re: CMNS: CONTRIBUTION FROM V. VYSOTSKII, NEW DISPUTE GENERATOR LAUNCHED It is also shown directly in the sample calorimetry data I analyzed. - Jed