On 05/25/2016 11:17 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

Jed, what am I missing here?

If, as Jed has asserted, Rossi is a fraud, then AFAIK there is no reason to believe in the ECAT any more than there is a reason to believe in orgone energy or grays living in tunnels under the Whitehouse, because ultimately /all/ the claims of OU power from Rossi's ECAT either can be traced back to Rossi, or involved materials provided by Rossi, or resulted from tests which were overseen and/or operated by Rossi.

When a researcher has been shown not to be trustworthy, you need to discard everything they have said about /anything/, and all data they were involved in creating, and start over from bare earth. And in this case "bare earth" is a lot of solid evidence from multiple (independent) researchers pointing to OU behavior of gas phase and liquid phase cold fusion cells, but not a darn thing to indicate Rossi's devices are anything more than fancy ways of operating an electric heater.

Back to basics!

Ed Storms did some very cool stuff with radiation counts in gas phase CF just before Rossi upstaged everybody with his electrically powered space heater. Anybody know if that work of Ed's has been replicated? (I've been checking in on the Vort web archive from time to time and have seen nothing further about it.)

(And BTW I'm back. I quit the group a few years ago, with a resolution to come back if and when Jed decided Rossi is bogus.)

Steven Vincent Johnson




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