Speaking of a cross between Fuku and towering inferno, with a few thousand 
light sabers thrown-in … think about using all those mirrors as a renewable 
propellant … 


That’s right, propellant. You don’t really think that electricity was the only 
goal here, do you? Maybe there was something else going on behind the scenes 
and you-know-who will arrive to save the day. Can you say “space-x”. He is not 
far away.


Solar pumped lasers are already on the horizon, and from there the next step 
would be to coat the mirror array with an optical material to consolidate the 
broad emission spectrum and then to focus the reflected superradiant light onto 
a point overhead in space where a vehicle, specially designed to use this light 
as a PLT (photonic laser thruster) is waiting for it… and there you have it… 
tenfold reduction in the cost of putting tonnage into low orbit.





There are losses, but who cares when the advantage of having a few hundred 
megawatts of focused photons available for days and days on end (for 
accelerating objects to low earth orbit cheaply) is the bottom line. Once into 
low orbit, mylar solar mirrors deploy which can use the same converter to get 
to high orbit. 


It is a minor problem is to control the relative speed to maintain the craft is 
roughly overhead relative position to the mirrors until the first acceleration 
stage is complete. But all of this is doable… on paper. It seem no more 
complicated than landing a rocket in reverse, on a barge.


Look for Elon to put in a bid for Ivanpah… but not necessarily for the 
electrical power… J


From: ChemE Stewart 


You guys are ignoring all of the mechanical and structural challenges of 
pointing 350,000, 30 foot mirrors at the ground using worm gears and stepper 
motors that have just lost power due to a storm and/or lightning strike.  No 
motor power, no movement.  The fuel source (the sun) keeps moving up and then 
down towards the west, so the focal point(s) of all of that incident power is 
constantly changing.


It is not like a typical boiler where the flame safety system can cut the 
source of fuel.  It is more like a cross between fukushima and the towering 
inferno :)



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