Peter, this is how private R&D works. Neither Leonardo Corp. nor IH owe the
public any information.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Peter Gluck <> wrote:

> *dear Jed,*
> *i have just been writing my answer to this assertion:*
> *Announced a year ago this could be an argument but even then how could
> Rossi depart from the test plan; how many reactors were "inoperable" and in
> which sense? Flawed measurements have to be reported immediately and what
> unsuitable measuring instruments were used- for a long year for
> temperature, pressure, flow- seismometers, dynamometers, microscopes?*
> *Now post-factum after 4 reports of the ERV, after alternative
> measurements by IH employees. such arguments are dead.*
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Jed Rothwell <>
> wrote:
>> a.ashfield <> wrote:
>>> IH has apparently sent Krivit a copy of their legal response to the
>>> court case.
>> I expect he found it by some other means.
>> From a quick scan it doesn’t look like they have stated the E-Cat doesn’t
>>> work . . .
>> It says this on p. 2, in the footnote:
>> "Guaranteed Performance Test" that the Complaint purposely ignores (such
>> as departing from the purported test plan, ignoring inoperable reactors,
>> relying on flawed measurements, and using unsuitable measuring devices).
>> - Jed
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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