Jones Beene <> wrote:

> However, it is difficult to believe that he has nothing to show for many
> years of effort and millions spent, in a field where there has been prior
> success by others.
He did seem to have had positive results at various times.

Certainly Rossi can still manage to salvage his sinking ship if he honestly
> and openly demonstrates a substantial thermal anomaly with his latest
> effort, if only for a few days duration, and low COP. He would lose the
> battle with IH, but could win the war, many years down the road when
> things are better understood … unless he is mad.
I am pretty sure I.H. would be thrilled if he could do this. While I do not
speak for them, that's my impression. They are patient & forgiving people,
and they put up with a lot of guff from researchers. Not just from Rossi.
They might even be willing to pay Rossi large sums of money for that,
although I can't imagine they would give him $89 million right away.

I do not think Rossi is mad. I think he is in it for the money.

> What he cannot do is facilitate another sham like Lugano and expect to
> maintain his loyal following, with instant creds or future investment.
According to Lewan and various rumors I have heard, he has already found
his next group of victims, and he has collected money from them. I predict
he will go on defrauding people until he is imprisoned.

It is possible Rossi is a genius, an inventor, a fraud and a con man -- all
at the same time. That is how I would describe Thomas Edison and Steve
Jobs. In Rossi's case, I cannot tell whether he has actually invented
anything real.

- Jed

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