"On the Nuclear Coupling of Proton and Electron" Krasnoholovets et al

Abstract -- We study both experimentally and theoretically the creation of a
new physical entity, a particle in which the proton and electron form a
stable pair with a tiny size typical for a nucleon.

This is a version/interpretation of fractional hydrogen in the role of
virtual neutron. There are a few errors, and they make reference to some
bogus research, but this is a very broad sweep and worth reading.
Surprisingly well-written. No mention of W&L.

They give Mills most of the credit - which they should. Too bad that Mills
turns out to be such a failure as an inventor (as opposed to his success as
a theorist) - since he was well-positioned to go down historically as the
key figure in the field. His latest effort with the seam welder is

Perhaps it will be a Ukrainian or Russian who will succeed with a usable
LENR product. They have every incentive to do so, as the short summer will
give way to early winter before you can say Buck Turgidson.

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