Jones Beene,
You make several assumptions that are far from proven.
Whatever the heat use by the customer, the arrangement was only made because IH had failed to provide the customer for over a year that they said they would.

Why do you think IH has any rights to the license when they still owe $89 million for it? The initial $11 million was essentially a down payment with the balance to be paid after confirmation that the process worked.

You appear certain that the I MW plant doesn't work based Jed's comments that in turn are based on IH. It seems most unlikely that Rossi would take the matter to court unless he was convinced it did work. So the question of whether the plant worked at > COP 6 is not proven yet. Never-the-less, preferring Napoleonic law, you claim Rossi is guilty of fraud until he is proven innocent.

On 7/2/2016 11:08 AM, Jones Beene wrote:
RE: [Vo]:Another motion filed in Rossi suit

*From:*Bob Higgins

It is interesting and self-destructive that Rossi appears to have unilaterally declared that the license sold to IH is null and void. Having accepted money for that license, he is in a legally binding contract. Yet Rossi seems intent to market that license to others as though he had no other contract. This is clearly fraud, and a fraud that will quickly put Rossi back in jail for a good long contemplative period.


This isaprettyaccurateassessment, butask yourselfwhoin their right mindwould buya licensenow? Most likely,this is the same kind of delusionalhot-airas the13 megawatt unitsclaimed to havebeensold in 2012and the hundreds of other lies.You couldn’tmake a mini-series out of thisunfolding farce, or could you… is Kevin Spacey available?

The sleaziestdetailin theRossigatescamappears to bethiscontinuingcharade about “the customer”… you remember, thebogus chemical companythatsupposedlypaid $1000 per day for steam,yetwithout zoning permits for chemicalproductionon file, and with no confirming evidence that it ever existedoutside a shell company owned by Rossi’s business partner, and with the premisesbeinglisted in theMiamiReal Estate market for rent the same month as thefaketest ended, and with no evidence of any payment receivedfor steam.You would think they could fake a few checksback and forth, just for the fun of it.

DidRossireally think he couldsustainafalsehoodof thismagnitudethroughoutalegal proceedingwithsworn testimony? The fiction of a fake customer buyingmegawattsof steamfor a yearto use in a non-existent production process … thatliealonecould behis downfall.

Curiously,IHappears to besitting onthisfake customerdetailfor now,as it is not mentioned in the pleadings AFAIK…buttheywillbe poised tospringatrap during depositions.Crafty attorneys love to do that.

At any rate, we are in for months of amusement,reminiscentperhapsof(theperversely fabulous)“House of Cards”… matter of fact…maybeARhas alreadypitchedthe story to HBO…part of his nexxt reincarnationas theMostInterestingMan in the World.

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