"This is because in ZrTe5 the electrons responsible for the current have no

That itself sounds like a dramatic claim, electrons with no mass?

I am able to produce a current of something that I believe is like an
electron albeit not propperly physical, and I believe it gains something by
moving through magnetic fields.

I think I might be moving something akin to a virtual electron, albeit one
that does not have the correct quanta to manifest physically to regular
meters, but can be readily detected by a significant percentage of the
population including in conditions outside of any possible
conventional explanation like the Placebo effect.

But there is another current in the reverse direction that is denser and
appears to be more like a proton.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Jack Cole <jcol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Electrons with no mass acquire a mass in the presence of a high magnetic
> field
> http://flip.it/bkDC21

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