please take the image of the flowmeter and show how can you see inside it
when in function.  And how do myou open it when ot working?OK?

Have you ever seen the scheme of the plant? Let Rossi in peace, and tell
NOW where was that damned flowmeter placed; if you don't know ask IH

take please this scheme

and arrange irt to work with the pipes half full/empty. OK? Everybody knows
how, isnt't it?


On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 5:53 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Peter Gluck <> wrote:
> Can you give details, facts, iit was sealed and Penon has rfemoved the
>> seals, has he asked Murray, "come Joe, take a look to it"?
> What the heck does "sealed" mean? Where were these "seals"? In front of
> the orifice? The water has to freely flow through a flow meter, or the
> meter does not work. Have you ever seen a flow meter? You can look right
> into the orifice. Just unscrew the pipe and have a look.
> If you could not see inside a meter, the water could not flow through it.
> If you are thinking the seals were on the pipe, like sealing wax, I
> suppose the people from I.H. ignored them and went ahead and unscrewed the
> pipe.
>> Has Murray a photo of those stains?
> I have heard they have all kinds of photos and detailed analyses. I have
> not seen them.
>> If the pipes are working half-empty
>> then the how does water flow in the vertical segements?
> What vertical segments? There aren't any as far as I know. Rossi claimed
> there were, but he lied.
>> Have you idea about the absurdity of this scheme?
> There is nothing absurd about it. Why do you think the manufacturer warns
> against using the meter with a half-empty pipe, if pipes are never
> half-empty?
>> You was asked to give a sketch of the piping showing where was placed the
>> flowmeter you answered it was placed so that the pipes where half full,
>> unsmart tautology.
> What's unsmart about it? Anyone can arrange a pipe to be half full. Rossi
> had no trouble doing that. People looking at the system had no trouble
> seeing that is what he did.
> If you want a sketch, I suggest you ask Rossi for one. Beware though: he
> will lie, and claim there was a U (with vertical segments).
> You can come with any photo
>> of roofs with no ventillation.
> See for yourself! Look at the photos. Where is the ventilation? If there
> were enough ventilation for 1 MW of heat, it would be plainly visible.
> Where is it? Why hasn't Rossi given you photos of it? I predict he will not
> upload any in response to the counter-suit.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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