China will lead the way. China has 1.5 billion people to keep happy with no
jobs to offer. It is true that all coastal cities worldwide within 100
miles of the coastline will be underwater and in need of relocation inland,
That should produce a number of jobs.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 11:02 PM, Jed Rothwell <>

> Daniel Rocha <> wrote:
> Why do you think taxation won't be very heavy?
> Because it will not cost much more than today's welfare systems, as I said.
>> Money won't appear out of nowhere, minimum wage will only accelerate
>> collapse.
> Money always appears out of nowhere when the economy improves. This will
> improve the economy. The minimum wage is supposed to accelerate the
> process. We want a transition to robots doing all the work. A higher
> minimum wage will help produce that.
>> And there is still no answer about the debts.
> We just need to raise taxes back to where they were under Reagan or
> Clinton. The deficit and the debts will gradually go away. There is no
> crisis.
>> In any case, there will be a finance disaster way worse than that of 1929.
> There might be, if it is done wrong. If it is done right it might work as
> well as the period from 1945 to 1980, which was the most prosperous in U.S.
> history, with the highest taxes. The two can go together if it is done
> right.
> - Jed

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