A more plausible model for matter is needed. Working to conform our present 
politically correct notions to the observations just results in more 
compromises in terms of behavior of the ‘particles’ we assume make up atomic to 
molecular scale matter. It’s far more likely that the ecology of atoms consists 
of bits that don’t conform to our present particular view. I rather like the 
view of real matter in its native state being squishy bags of quark soup with 
indiscriminate boundaries. Therein the utility of special harmonic states 
clearly provides for sufficiently rapid distribution of energy to accommodate 
the list of out of the box observations that is ever growing as we gain the 
ability to see. The real problem with humanity as made so clear by ‘social 
media’ is so very few choose to do what it takes to ‘see’ while the vast 
majority sit back and only read. (Yes, Mr. Sulu, there is a difference between 
real and reading -  <https://youtu.be/NaxOfpqcCig> https://youtu.be/NaxOfpqcCig 
.) Amongst the few real vs. imaginary explorers, seeing is believing. 
Technology is not about knowing perfectly the why and how things work but 
rather how to reproduce an ‘ecological’ effect that is good enough to be 
useful. Only dogma requires the more ‘perfect’, aka politically acceptable, 
‘sociological’ explanation.


From: Frank Znidarsic [mailto:fznidar...@aol.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2016 9:50 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Fwd: [Vo]:Re: Reason why there are no dead grad students...





Whatever mechanism is needed to transfer nuclear energy via phonons vs photons 
must be able to move a great deal of such energy over a considerable distance 
to ‘cool’ the NAE. 

To do this without radiation requires that the range of the nuclear force be 
extended beyond that of the electromagnetic.  It like stepping over a speed 
bump.  An extension of the static nuclear force would crush matter out of 



Magnetic forces are not conserved.  The range of the strong nuclear spin orbit 
force can be extended without crushing matter out of existence.    Soft iron 
increases the range of magnetic component of the electrical force.

A vibrating Bose condensate is the soft iron equivalent for the nuclear 
magnetic spin orbit force.


The constants of the motion (magnetic forces are of the motion) tend toward the 
electromagnetic (have a strong long long range magnetic component; magnetic 
,spin orbit, and gravitomagnetic) in a Bose condensate that is stimulated at a 
dimensional frequency (Jed came up with word dimensional frequency) of 
1,094,000 hertz-meters.



Another way of saying this is that the permeability of the electrical  magnetic 
force increases greatly soft iron.  The magnetic moment of the electron is 
measured in hundreds of Fermi meters.  The magnetic moment of an inductor is 
measured in meters.  This effect powers our economy.


The gravitomagnetic field is 10 exp 39 power weaker than the electrical 
magnetic field.  The range of the nuclear spin orbit force is measured in 10 of 
Fermi meters. In a vibrating Bose condensate these ranges and strengths change 
by a factor of 10 exp 39 power.  The effect is similar to what happens to the 
electrical magnetic force in soft iron but the effect extents across all of the 
force fields.  This exploration of this effect can extend man's control of the 
natural forces beyond the electromagnetic and to all of the forces.  There is 
much more to the NDA than expected.



I have been saying this since the late 1990's.  IE published an article by me 
which I  described the effect at something like ( 39 / the length of the Bose 
condensate in inches).  At ANS 2000 I refined the result and the new result was 
published in terms of one megahertz-meter.  Today I can get the result in many 
significant digits as:


(c / 2 alpha)



Frank Z

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