Russ George <> wrote:

Conflating nuclear chain reaction energy release with cold fusion
> mechanisms is what leads to silly speculation, aka trolling, over
> weaponization of cold fusion. It is the far reaching neutron chain reaction
> process that is common to fission/fusion weapons that makes them so potent.
> In cold fusion this long range stimulated chain reaction mechanism does not
> exist! In fact cold fusion reactions are inherently clearly self-limited as
> when the reaction condition becomes more and more prevalent . . .

I agree. That's what I said in the book, where I summarized the majority

Most researchers think that a runaway reaction or explosion is impossible
for three reasons:

1. Cold fusion only works with an intact metal lattice.
2. It ramps up relatively slowly, so it would destroy the lattice before it
could increase to high levels.
3. It is not a chain reaction. In a uranium fission chain reaction, one
event directly triggers two or more others, and the reaction can increase
exponentially over a very short time (80 generations in 1 microsecond).

I hope that is right.

- Jed

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