Both Ed Storm's and Holmlid believes that metallic hydrogen is the active
agent in Cold Fusion. But there is a critical difference between Ed Storm's
view of metallic hydrogen and how it behaves and that of Leif Holmlid. Ed
Storms says that metallic hydrogen fuses immediately after it is formed
whereas Holmlid produces MH and then excites it with light to activate the
LENR reaction.

The important point is "can metallic hydrogen exist for long periods of
time without fusing"? Or is an activating trigger required to get the cold
fusion process going.

There is clear experimental evidence that shows that an activation trigger
is required to state the LENR reaction.

When I first began my studies of the LENR reaction so very long ago, I may
have read this in regards to the work from perhaps the most famous Japanese
cold fusion researcher: Yoshiaki Arata, from Osaka University, who claimed
in a demonstration to produce excess heat when deuterium gas was introduced
into a cell containing a mixture of palladium and zirconium oxide. But the
LENR reaction did not begin unless the cell was shocked in any number of

Also from Brian S. Ahern patent (Amplification of energetic reactions US
20110233061 A1)



"Useful energy production can be obtained when deuterated/hydrated
nanoparticles suspended in a dielectric medium are positioned interior to
collapsing bubbles or dielectric discharges and their attendant shock
waves. Highly self-focused shock waves have a sufficiently high energy
density to induce a range of energetic reactions."

And that energy need not be provided in a one time spike. In the famous F&P
meltdown where their reactor was feed 1 watt of power over months, one day
when enough charge was accumulated in those Surface Plasmon Polaritons
(SPPs) formed on the surface of the UDH, the LENR reaction took off with a
vengeance and burned through a lab bench and then through the reinforced
concrete floor in their lab…rebar and all.

We may think of the case of a pile of logs just waiting there in the
fireplace waiting for the match to get their fire going, so too LENR waits
for the spark that gets that energy feedback loop roiling.

In the case of Holmlid’s experiment, the spark is the laser pulse. Once the
laser fires, then the mesons come rolling forth.

Rossi applies heat to the metallic hydrogen before the LENR reaction begins.

The next connection to be made is "how does the trigger mechanism work in
terms of the structure of the metallic hydrogen"? There is a big difference
between the way Holmlid views the structure of metallic hydrogen and the
way that Ed Storms does. This structure is all important. Holmlid looks to
a theory based on a theoretical description by J.E. Hirsch for his
insights. How can light trigger the MH into reacting? If Ed Storms wants to
understand this trigger, he needs to look into nanoplasmonics and continue
down the connection tree.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Thirty to forty years ago, *muon-induced fission* was a hot topic.
> Most of the radioactive heavy metal actinides were found to undergo prompt
> or delayed fission when placed in a muon flux. This includes thorium. The
> coupling is not huge but it is significant.
> However, at that time the economics of producing large numbers of muons
> was prohibitive and the field of inquiry dried up. Here is an old paper.
> _Public/12/609/12609441.pdf
> Muons were produced in a beam line for most of these studies. There is no
> possibility of a self-sustaining chain reaction, as with neutron mediated
> fission, although fission does produce some additional muons. Thus, a high
> flux must be maintained.
> But... fast forward forty years to Holmlid, and reassess the situation ...
> What if muons can be produced millions of time easier and cheaper, using
> UDD and the Holmlid effect?
> If he is correct, a heavy flux of muons is produced via laser instead of
> beam line, meaning that size can be reduced greatly and cost and form
> factor minimized. When thorium is the target for muon induced fission, it
> becomes useful without adding fissile material and it is far more plentiful
> than uranium and the proliferation risk disappears as well as 90% of the
> cost of dealing with neutrons and critical mass.
> Win, win, win, win.
> This is a paradigm shift in assumptions, leading to something unexpected.
> "Small-scale fission courtesy of cold fusion."
> Even Holmlid has overlooked the possibility of muon-induced fission of
> thorium (at least it does not turn up in a search of his papers.

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