
So changing "external plant" to "external tank" and changing "internal tank " 
to "external tank" is correcting bad English... Uhhh okaayy.... ??

The internal tank was inside the E-Cat plant not the external one.

I'm not going to get drawn into childish bickering. I intend to wait from now 
on for real data not opinions and if that is not forthcoming then I wait with 
curiosity for the Judgement.

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On 21 Feb 2017, at 16:12, Jed Rothwell 
<<>> wrote:

Stephen Cooke <<>> 

Jed.. nice square bracketing.

As I said, that was added by Abd. I do not know where the original document is 
in the lawsuit papers.

What if we remove those... and assume the ERV's English is fine.

It isn't fine! It is difficult to understand.

Have you considered the external tank could be located at the external plant 
close to the condensor?

No, the diagram shows where it is. The condenser in the walled-off customer 
site. The reservoir is inside the shipping container. At least, that's what 
Rossi showed, and that is what I have heard.

In fact everything we say is speculation and can be interpreted how we want 
depending how we want to read it especially if we change the words someone says 
to support it.

It is not "speculation"! That's absurd. There are words directly from Rossi, 
uploaded in the lawsuit. If he is lying here it is a serious matter.

You have this directly from the horse's mouth yet you still don't believe it? 
How much proof can you ask for? Why would Rossi lie and tell the court the flow 
meter was installed in the gravity return pipe if that were not true?

I wait with anticipation for the flow diagram.

Why do you need it? Rossi and Penon already told you what is in it. If you 
don't believe what they wrote, why would you believe their diagram showing the 
same thing?

- Jed

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