John Berry <> wrote:
> nobel-prize-winner/
This article is titled:

"Most cancer research is a fraud, claims Nobel Prize Winner"

I think that title overstates what the article says. I would title it:

"Most cancer research is a dead end"

. . . or "most cancer research is futile, or barking up the wrong tree."
That is also the case with most cold fusion research. Also with most
product development, programming languages, new grocery store food snack
offerings, and just about every other attempt at innovation. Most of the
time, most new ideas fail. That's unfortunate, but it is not fraud.

On the other hand, there is also fraud. Also lots of sloppy research that
should not pass peer-review, but it does. I have no way to judge whether it
is "mostly" fraud and slop, or mostly an honest mistake. In cold fusion, as
far as I know, most mistakes are honest.

It is impossible to know an experiment is a mistake until you have done it.

- Jed

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