Of course, in classical physics linear momentum and angular momentum are 
orthogonal to each other and can not be exchanged within a closed system.





-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, May 20, 2017 11:16 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:quantum thermodynamics and the Second Law--

This is interesting thinking.  The idea that angular momentum, linear momentum, 
and energy are "conserved" is a hypothesis created and supported (as I 
understand it) by observation, not by derivation based upon a fundamental 
principle.  While it would be a violation of the hypothesis, trading between 
these conserved quantities would not invalidate a fundamental premise (am I 

So, Bob, when you say, "Trading nuclear potential energy for metal lattice 
electron orbital (thermal) angular momentum is LENR", what is the nuclear 
potential energy that you are saying is being traded (exchanged) into the 
electron orbital angular momentum?  What in the nucleus do you envision being 

Clearly the nucleus is not as well understood as we imagine.  If you read 
Norman Cook's book, "Models of the Atomic Nucleus", you will see the sorry 
state of things.  Present models for the nucleus predict fission as occurring 
in equal portions, but experiment shows that is far from the case.  Even though 
we rely heavily on engineering of nuclear fission, the models don't predict the 
characteristics of the reaction.  Could the "smallness" of the constituents in 
the nucleus allow interaction with a zero-point field, where at such small 
scales physics is different than we know?  Could the trading of "conserved" 
quantities be commonplace at such small scales?

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 7:30 AM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com 
<bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:

The following link contains interesting views on the subject of this thread.
IMHO these are key LENR concepts.   Trading nuclear potential energy for metal 
lattice electron orbital (thermal) angular momentum is LENR.
The following is excerpted from the article on thermodynamics:
“Imagine a vast container, or reservoir, of particles that possess both
energy and angular momentum (they’re both moving around and spinning).
This reservoir is connected to both a weight, which takes energy to
lift, and a turning turntable, which takes angular momentum to speed up
or slow down. Normally, a single reservoir can’t do any work — this goes
back to Carnot’s discovery about the need for hot and cold reservoirs.
But the researchers found that a reservoir containing multiple conserved
quantities follows different rules. “If you have two different physical
quantities that are conserved, like energy and angular momentum,”
Popescu said, “as long as you have a bath that contains both of them,
then you can trade one for another.”
In the hypothetical weight-reservoir-turntable system, the weight can be
lifted as the turntable slows down, or, conversely, lowering the weight
causes the turntable to spin faster. The researchers found that the
quantum information describing the particles’ energy and spin states can
act as a kind of currency that enables trading between the reservoir’s
energy and angular momentum supplies. The notion that conserved
quantities can be traded for one another in quantum systems is brand
new. It may suggest the need for a more complete thermodynamic theory
that would describe not only the flow of energy, but also the interplay
between all the conserved quantities in the universe.
The fact that energy has dominated the thermodynamics story up to now
might be circumstantial rather than profound, Oppenheim said. Carnot and
his successors might have developed a thermodynamic theory governing the
flow of, say, angular momentum to go with their engine theory, if only
there had been a need. “We have energy sources all around us that we
want to extract and use,” Oppenheim said. “It happens to be the case
that we don’t have big angular momentum heat baths around us. We don’t
come across huge gyroscopes.”
_”Popescu, who won a Dirac Medal last year for his insights in quantum
information theory and quantum foundations, said he and his
collaborators work by “pushing quantum mechanics into a corner,”
gathering at a blackboard and reasoning their way to a new insight after
which it’s easy to derive the associated equations. Some realizations
are in the process of crystalizing. In one of several phone
conversations in March, Popescu discussed a new thought experiment that
illustrates a distinction between information and other conserved
quantities — and indicates how symmetries in nature might set them apart.”

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